Metadata SC Minutes 22 August 2007 Roll Call: Bruce D'Arcus Patrick Durusau John Madden Svante Schubert 1. John Madden suggested: a. That the formating of the OWL ontology be distinct from schema fragments when integrated into ODF 1.2. b. That the RDF/A proposal be cited as the inspiration for the in-content metadata in the proposal. Both suggestions were unanimously accepted and the editors instructetd to make the necessary changes. 2. With the changes suggested by John Madden, the editor's draft was adopted unanimously as the Metadata Subcommittee proposal for the ODF TC. 3. The issues list for the Metadata Subcommittee was declared closed by unanimous vote of the Metadata SC. 4. John Madden reported on a project he is preparing to present to A,PIII, DVANCING PRACTICE, INSTRUCTION AND INNOVATION THROUGH INFORMATICS in September, 2007, using the proposed metadata mechanisms for OpenDocument. 5. There being no further business, the committee ajourned.