COMMENT DISPOSITION: UBL 2.0 NDR PUBLIC REVIEW DRAFT 1 The first public review of the UBL 2.0 Naming and Design Rules ran from 13 September 2006 to 12 November 2006: Two sets of comments were received during the review period. Comments from Juerg Tschumperlin 23 October 2006: Juerg's comments relate mainly to a separate possible deliverable: an implementation guide for initiatives adopting the UBL Naming and Design rules for projects unrelated to UBL. The TC has accepted the project and is slowly making progress in its development. Comments from Marc de Graauw 12 November 2006: Some of Marc's comments relate to an implementation guide; see above. With regard to definition of the term "compatibility," this is now covered in the UBL Guidelines for Customization. The procedure for minor revisions is now covered by the OASIS TC Process. None of the comments received during the review period resulted in substantive changes to the NDR document. Jon Bosak Chair, OASIS UBL TC 10 September 2009