UBL LCSC Minutes

Tuesday - 10 September 2002

Attendees: Jessica Glace, Sally Chan, Michael Grimley, Lisa Seaburg, Bill Meadows, Tim McGrath, Joe Chuisano, Debbie Quezadaz, Eve Maler, Ray Seddigh (joined late)


1. Welcome from Joint Chairs

2. - 5. Discussion of Containership papers, written and presented as email this week.

Discussion Points:

This was a lively and fast moving discussion, much to fast to record every comment. Please read through realizing that there is much more information and depth to this discussion. You can use the papers as the foundation, also in email tonight there will be another attempt to paraphrase this.

Containership for other types

6. Work Plan

7. Other business - None

8. Next Meeting (tomorrow)