UBL LCSC Minutes

Tuesday - 11 February 2003

Attendees: Tim McGrath, Lisa Seaburg, Mike Adcock, Marion Royal, Peter Yim, Bill Meadows, Ray Seddigh, Monica Martin, Nigel Wooden, Jon Bosak, Anne Hendry, and Ken Holman.

1. Welcome and appointment of secretary to take minutes. - Anne will take minutes.

2. Acceptance of previous minutes - We did not have a quorum, therefore this item was postponed.

3. Review of Denver Plenary

As evidenced by the results of the Plenary, Marion did a great job keeping everyone on track and the work moving forward. The 0p70 release was advanced significantly during the F2F. Tim would like to recognize Marion's contribution as Chair at the Plenary.

Plenary had two priorities:

NDR worked on completing their material, which was presented on Thursday.

Work on the supplement advanced into the manual process of establishing new forms and propagating them with business data. This was mapped to Ken's work on the stylesheets. We needed more sample instance files and worked closely with Ken on this. The process that was developed would be beneficial to record, once we have the proper tools.

We met with the X12 Materials Management group (Mary Kay Blantz). Mike and Sue did a presentation on the release which was well received.

4. QA report on status or Supplementary release

We need to complete the Order Instance documents (in the xml subfolder). There were some discrepancies between the schemas and spreadsheets which Mike has recorded. We've also added a mandatory element to the root doc of Shipment - an empty element. So there is now one additional level of nesting - called OrderLine. This requires an update of the stylesheets. Ken needs the changes from Marion to complete his work. He will be unavailable after Thursday.

Marion has a few changes left to make on the instance files. Barring unforseen events, he should be able to send his changes by the end of the day today. If so, Ken will post what he has early tomorrow. Please send feedback immediately after that so he has time to incorporate before he leaves. Ken will notify Bill and Lisa when he's done. Ken now has 45 stylesheets with 15 layouts. This makes the zip file very large (almost 10 MB). Still, it is not a good idea to break up the package - that would make it harder on users. Best to leave as one. Ken may need help from Bill on uploading, though, because it is has been slow for him to upload these to the OASIS site.

Bill and Lisa will work on how to build and deliver the release.

Regarding the Office product procurement and Joinery scenarios, they are complete with the exception of JoineryInvoiceInstance1 and JoineryOrderResponseInstance1.

Sue and Jean are working on the UN layout instance documents. For now, we will leave the UN layout instance documents in the fs directory for this release. The two complete instances (Office and Joinery) will be in the xml directory.

We need a document that will provide an entry point for the scenarios and walk the user through using the sample scenarios. This could be placed in the xml subfolder and linked from the html file in the root folder. Mike has written something and so has Nigel. Bill can also help with this and talk to Lisa on how to incorporate into the existing site. Both scnearios should be documented/handled similarly.

We will include the PDA screenshot generated by Jacek's tool. Also people can create their own with that tool.


The 19 Tuesday release is the final release. However, it would be useful to have a method of publishing new instances as work progresses after this release (between now and 1.0). Possibly just have an additional link on the web site, for instance, in an FAQ. These new instances would not be required, but optional / FYI.

5. Process for handling 0p70 comments

Need to figure out how we can get the best participation from the group.

There are three main work areas:

This doesn't need to go back to LC until the Plenary.

Discussion will happen in QA team.

We should not debate issues as they come in - only decide categories.

Some comments might need additional input - this will be part of (b).

Anne will be part of QA team and do (b).

QA team is doing (c).

6. 0p70 release

Three main work items for this are:

Mike's work is concise summary of how two the processes fit together. Mike can be coordinator of customization. We'll need to see the maturing (CM) paper as it comes as it comes along and through Mike apply that to real world examples to see how it fits. LC can recieve drafts though the list. Handshake can happen between Mike and Eduardo. We can discuss more tomorrow in NDR call.

Tim will write up a more detailed schedule of work beteween now and May Plenary to be reviewed in LC call next week.

7. Other Business

There will be a QA call on Friday at the usual time.

Next Meeting - Tuesday Feruary 18th 8-10am PST - normal call in number