UBL LCSC Minutes

Tuesday - 14 January 2003

Attendees: Tim McGrath, Bill Meadows, Jon Bosak,Lisa Seaburg, Monica Martin, Nigel Wooden, Debbie Quezadaz, (Gunther Stuhec joined at 8:55 dropped at 9:30). Debbie and Mike sent regrets.

1. Welcome from Chair and appointment of Secretary to take minutes - Bill is taking minutes.

2. Acceptance of previous minutesWe did not have a quorum, therefore this item was postponed.

3. Status of Release 0p70

There are two streams for the current release 1) critical path, the XSD and Schema 2) the Documentation and other information. The second is going well, but the first has major issues. Also, there has not yet been NDR approval of the schemas. The schema problems are that the content does not match the spreadsheets. This appears to be a bug in the Perl script. Gunther is the single point of contact for the script. We are still shooting for the 20th as the launch date. In order to meet this date we need the XSD in the next 48 hours. If we delay it will impact the review by HL7, National Retailers, ATG, EDI France, X12, and others. There was a discussion around trying to fix the problems by hand. If no other solutions are found this will be attempted. This could be overwelming. Lisa brought up an email she and Gunther composed about possible NDR issues with Global attributes. She will forward to the list. NDR will discuss this issue Wednesday. It was decided that the LCSC should have a call after the NDR call to get an update and status. We will have a call both Wednesday and Thursday at 4pm PST (our usual call number) for updates and statuses. Currently we have complete spreadsheets. We do not have UML diagrams,schemas, samples, stylesheets,etc. The packaging document was attached to the agenda. QA will review on Friday.

At this point Gunther joined the call. He is at a conference this week, so he has limitted time to work on the script. He will now send out a copy of the script with each set of documents. This will allow others to help debug any futre issues. Gunther also expressed concern about NDR validating the output of his script. He will work on the script and send a new package later Tuesday. He then dropped off the call to work on the script.

4. Plan for Processing Comments

Bill will collect and put comments in spreadsheet format.

QA group will review and respond to comments

We may need to 'bug' people for comments. Anne Hendry will attend the Liaison SC and solicit comments. Bill will let Anne know who has provided comments, so she can follow up with those we are expecting to hear from.

5. Work plan and schedule

Discuss context and content methodology at the Face to Face.

April 14th - Close of the review and comment period

May OP.70 complete

Mike is already thinking of what should be next. 6. Denver Plenary preparation

Jon needs Agendas ASAP. Tim & MArion to complete by next week

Tim will not be able to make the Denver meeting. Marion wil chair in his absense.

January 24th is the last day to register.

7. Other Business:


Next Meeting - Monday January 20th 8-10am PST - normal call in number