UBL LCSC Minutes

Tuesday - 18 February 2003

Attendees: Tim McGrath, Lisa Seaburg, Mike Adcock, Marion Royal, Peter Yim, Bill Meadows, Monica Martin, Sally Chan, Debbie Quezadaz, Jon Bosak, Anne Hendry.

1. Welcome and appointment of secretary to take minutes. - Anne will take minutes.

2. Acceptance of previous minutes - Minutes from previous meetings are accepted.

3. Supplementary release status

Sample Instances:

XMLSpy puts in default values if they are not specified. This has created a situation where some of the instances have attributes with values of "token" or, for numerics, the value of Pi. See OfficeInvoiceInstance1.xml. There is one other issue with OfficeInvoice: how the taxable amount is derived. Bill will fix these items and repost. Please review these and make any additional comments asap. To determine correctness, we should take the human readable form and make sure these match the values in the xml instance files. See the xml-instance.html for links to both xml instance files and printable (human readable) versions.

Please review these and make any additional comments asap. To determine correctness, we should take the human readable form and make sure these match the values in the xml instance files. See the xml-instance.html for links to both xml instance files and printable (human readable) versions.

We need to make sure documents are valid and well-formed, but don't need to go through an entire additional QA cycle for these changes.

The xml-samples.html file gives diagrams of Office and Joinery examples. Bill has included Mike's writeup for Joinery example and Bill did writeup for Office. It now also has links to actual instances and what the paper documents will look like. This document (xml-samples.html) has the title "D.5 Other Document Samples" and will be appended to the current top-level index.html file as a continuation of the "Annex D: UBL Supplemental Materials (informational)" section. Bill will also add xml-samples.html to the xml folder so this can be viewed directly from that folder for people who want to jump directly to the xml instances. Marion asked that the filename not have any dashes or underscores.

The work listed above will be ready to go this afternoon.

Ken's current stylesheet reports and xml instance files will show the "token", Pi, and other default values that we have agreed to fix in the supplemental instances, so those examples won't completely match the supplementary sample forms in those areas. Ken is out for the week, so these can't be updated by tonight's announcement. This won't effect any use, just shows different values in some instances.

Launch/Release Decision: 'Go' for later tonight US PT time.




Additional Sample Instance development:

Today's posting of supplementary materials will be the one-and-only update to the 0p70 release. 0p70 is now considered frozen in both its online form and in our disk repository which should be identical.

Between now and the 1p00 release we'd like to encourage development of more sample instances and somehow make that work available to the public. This should be viewed as adjuvant material that would be an important part of quality review because more real-world samples would help us identify any issues with the structure of schemas.

We will create an area on the LCSC web site (separate from 0p70 release) that will point to an ever-growing repository of sample instances which can be contributed by anyone. This area (folder) can then be pointed to from anywhere. We can also have available there the FAQ and/or other document with information on the samples. The point is to have a separate folder with multiple ways of accessing it. This is great because it paves the way for new instances to be created and made available in a flexible and timely manner. We still need to decide on the process for accessing/populating it. We should send mail to ebxml-dev when this is available.

4. QQA team report

The QA team has been working on the spreadsheet and setting up archival of comments. First bringing in comments from 0p65 release. Bill will have archive populated after release work is done.

Mike will send his comments and observations from his sample instance work. Everyone is encouraged to submit comments. We can both individually and collectively submit comments.

Comments are all public - there is no separation between internal and public comments. All comments are made available (although not openly published). This reduces the chance of duplicate comments, promotes accountability, and gives us a record of the reasons for changes we make.

The goal is to improve the quality of the 1p00 release.

5. Work plan for 1p00

See plan that Tim send out which takes us up to next Plenary:


3 major themes of activity:

A. Analysis:

- Regarding extending our scope, Tim has already been approached by third party intetested in extending scope further down procurement chain. This is an opportune time to work on extending scope. This does not necessarily need to be done only by this team - there are several efforts under way (APACS, TBG) to extend into the areas of payment and trasport. This is being done with UBL extension in mind and may show results within our time frame, so we should not duplicate effort on this.

- Tim would like to see someone develop, over the next few weeks, a proposal for how we manage the work of extending this scope: could include what we do within the group and an identification of other groups working on areas of extension we're interested in, identifying areas that would be a high gain for low investment. Would like to formalize this process (even just in email).

- For other tasks in analysis tree (ie. reviweing BIE and naming rules), the best way to approach this is to prepare draft proposals which become proposed revisions to 0p70 - go thorugh that review process.

B. Modeling:

- Formalization (definitions and documents) for customization approach. Will plug into CM SC that's being devleoped. Mike is putting thoughts on paper to drive that task, and will coordinate with Eduardo to ensure this doesn't collide with the interim work that Eduardo is doing. Will have something in a couple of weeks.

- We need tools for developing samples as well as for QA and other work. Peter Yim has graciously volunteered to look into providing tools for collaboration (even though he doesn't currently have a sponsor). He has the capability to provide storage, discussion space, wikis, forms, etc. He has the capability of supplying synchronous tools, but that would be a lot of overhead. Asynchronous tools would be best. Peter welcomes anyone to talk to him about these things. He thinks it would be best to begin with the QA group and has spoken to Marion. Everyone agrees this would be fine.

Jon mentioned that OASIS is setting up Kavi, so Peter should talk to Karl Best about that and how it might work with other tools such as Wikis.

- Need to develop documentation for reusable customization approach for UBL that we can give out to other parties (eg banking industry). Document how other groups can work with UBL to do such as the transport example we just spoke about. Coordinate with industry groups.

C. Review/QA:

This is a catch-all for the ongoing stream of activity related to comments, review process, 1p00 release process, etc. - We Need taxonomy for comment categorization. Mike and Sue will be happy to help contribute to the analysis/coordination as they did for the last release.

- Should add 'extended' instances to this work.

- Need to manage OASIS standards process; become familiaer with OASIS specs/forms and the submission process. Tim and Jon will work on this over the next few weeks.

6. Other Business

- April/May plenary hotel accomodations:

Two hotels available: Thistle Tower Hotel $150; Grange City Hotel $200. Both are close to Tower of London and downtown; both are convenient. The Thistle overlooks the River Thames, Tower Bridge. We have a temporary booking at Thistle Tower until end of this week. They are talking about a 2-week cutoff before the event.

- The next LCSC meeting will be Tuesday, 25 February 2003, at the same time with same call information.

- There will be a QA call on Friday at the usual time.