UBL LCSC Telecon Minutes

Date: Tuesday 18, June 2002

Attendees: Lisa Seaburg, Bill Meadows, Sue Probert, Gunther Stuhec, Sally Chan, Kurt Conrad, Monica Martin, Marion Royal, Tim McGrath, Joe Chuisano, and Alan Stitzer

1. Welcome from Chair and appointment of Secretary to take minutes - Bill to take minutes.

2. Acceptance of previous minutes - Can not accept minutes, no quorum.

3. Action arising from previous meeting. - Briefly discussed action items from the Face to Face. Lisa has made her changes and passed updated Spreadsheet to Mike Adcock. This brought up a discussion on version control. Lisa will send an email to the group on the process and action items.

There are only two weeks left to finish the Disposition of Comments action items. The new Library version is due out by the end of July.

4. Work plan

5. Reports on status of other UBL subcommittees

6. Reports on status of other related projects

7. Other Business - None.

8. Next meeting. Tuesday June 25th 8am PDT.