UBL-LCSC _ Minutes Teleconference

23rd April 2002

Attendees: Tim McGrath, Lisa Seaburg, Sue Probert, Sally Chan, Peter Yim, Marion Royal

1. Welcome from Chair & Appointment of Secretary, Sue Probert was appointed secretary for the meeting.

2. Acceptance of Previous Minutes, The minutes were accepted with slight changes.

3. Actions Arising from Previous Meeting.

4. Current Review - Editorial Team Report
Lisa reported that spreadsheet/table template had been drafted but not yet fully agreed within the EDIT team. Tim reported that approx seven sets of comments had been received to date - some from individuals and others from groups. Lisa agreed to compile a comments author list with links to their individual contributions. IT was agreed that a shortened form of this should be sent to the UBL-Comment list and the full version to the lcsc list. It was noted that two weeks remain of the current comments period.

5. Workplan

6. Status Reports from Other UBL SubCommittees

Tools & Techniques. Neither Arofan or Gunther present so no report this week.
Naming & Design Rules. Tim noted that Eve has sent a request for lcsc to discuss two specific topics. It was agreed that the group should study the relevant material in readiness for discussion on next week's agenda. Tim agreed to notify Eve of this decision. Tim noted that the two main areas of concern re CCTS are:

Context Drivers. No news yet.
Context Assembly. Arofan not present so no report. Lisa, Sue and Tim will ask Arofan for progress report on his areas in time for next Tuesday conference call!

7. Reports on Status of Other Related Projects

Core Component Supplemental Documents: Sally reported that CCSD will have their second teleconference yet April 29th. She will be able to report at our next Tuesday conference call.

Ontology: See action point above.

8. AOB

Peter asked for clarification of the version number of the lcsc work package that is out for comments - Tim confirmed that 0.64 is the version.
Concern was raised that to continue progress it is important to encourage Arofan and Gunther to join more lcsc calls if at all possible as they are involved in some critical areas. Tim agreed to approach them individually to see of this will be possible or not. All to campaign for more involvement particularly during our calls. It was suggested that some members of the lcsc sub-committee may not realise how much progress depends on fruitful conderence calls to keep the work flowing. Tim agreed to put together a short email reminder to go to the list. It is key that quorum should be regularly achieved as decisions cannot be formally made by the group if quorum is not reached.

9. Next meeting is same time on Tuesday 30 April, 14.00 hrs UTC.
For the second week concern was expressed that the change of time may be the reason for the reduced participation. It was agreed that this should be investigated asap.

Submitted by, Sue Probert