UBL LCSC Minutes

Monday - 23December 2002

Attendees: Tim McGrath, Bill Meadows, Jon Bosak, Peter Yim ,Lisa Seaburg, & Monica Martin

1. Welcome from Chair and appointment of Secretary to take minutes Bill is taking minutes.

2. Acceptance of previous minutesWe did not have a quorum, therefore this item was postponed.

3. Analysis Team report (Sue/Michael)

-No Report

4. Assembly Team report (Mike)

* Document Types

* XSD generation

XSD Schemas have been generated for the documents. Jon brought up that we don't have a componet Library Schema. Tim will attempt to get in touch with Mike to create. If unable to reach Mike in the next day, he will try too create himself. There was a discussion on the UID numbering. After much discussion on creation methods, numbering schemes, and issues, the subject was tabled to be resolved at a later date. (Most likely after finalization of the documents.)

5. QA Team report (Marion)

* Scope Statement Need to change the name due to Oasis and ISO guidelines A suggestion was made to call it Context and Business Rules. Tim brought up an issue from Sue regarding ISO alignment. Her concerns are that it is not easy or straightforward. She thinks we may be better served pursuing CEFACT. Jon beleives that we can create needed docs for ISO with out too much pain. He will discuss with Sue offline.

6. Packaging Team (Lisa/Tim)

Proposed contents of the actual release should be:

* A set of XSD Schemas (normative) [Gunther] Plus reference models...

* A spreadsheet of the document assemblies for each document type [Mike]

* A UML Class diagram for each document type (views of the complete normalised diagram) [ Mike/Bill B] * A UML Dependency diagram for each document type (views of the complete normalised diagram) [Michael/Dagmar/Axel]

* A spreadsheet of the complete normalised model [Mike]

* A UML Class diagram of the complete normalised model [Mike/Bill B.]

* A UML Dependency diagram of the complete normalised model [Michael/Dagmar/Axel] Plus supporting documents...

* Overview (a roadmap of where to start and how to find stuff) [Tim]

* Scope Statement (the context or business rules of this package) [Sue/Mike]

* Implementation Guidelines (to explain business rules) [Bill M.] - Need to change the name of this document

* Methodology ( how the modeling works) [Tim]

* Case Studies (sample instances, stylesheets and examples of how these models can be applied and extended to other contexts) [ TBD]

We need volunteers to start stepping forward for case studies.

7. Work plan and schedule reviewed

- we are still on schedule to the target release date.

8. Other Business:

Need a call in number for next week due to Bill's absence

Next Meeting - December 30th 8-10am PST - see agenda for call in number