UBL LCSC Minutes

Tuesday - 26 October 2002

Attendees: Bill Meadows, Lisa Seaburg (chaired meeting), Peter Yim, Mike Adcock, Debbie Q., Michael Suebert, Jon Bosak, Monica Martin

1. Welcome from Chair and appointment of Secretary to take minutes - Lisa is taking minutes.

Regrets from Tim.

2. Acceptance of previous minutes - Did not have quorum, but continued with critical mass.

3. Release 0p70

Oustanding Issues from Plenary...

Other Discussion Points:

Peter: Does the Scope document need to be updated to reflect the new work and changes?

Mike: We need to look into this, I think the Analysis team work could create some needed changes.

The Timeline says our signoff and publish is January 13th, we will move the publish to the week of January 6th. This possibly makes January 13th the distribute date. We need to keep on top of this. The Liaison schedule is not complete for January yet, it may be Jan 10th.

Jon: We are hoping to tell the Liaison SC to expect a review package at the Dec 20th meeting. It is important to let them know if they will have something coming or not.

Mike: We should have a better feel for it all by then and be able to feel confident that the distribution will happen on time.

4. Analysis Team report (Sue/Michael) -

Just started yesterday, not much to report yet. By next week there will be something to report. There are some questions already, they will send out emails to the appropriate people.

5. Assembly Team report (Mike) - Already reported above.

6. QA Team report

* Scope Statement - There were some changes made during the Face 2 Face, the document was adopted by group subject to the idea the analysis work may make changes necessary. Mike will send to Bill Meadows.

7. Reports on status of other UBL subcommittees

8. Other Business -

Votes needed to be done. ACTION ITEM: (Tim) Send out email vote.

Next Meeting -

This is the meeting schedule copied out of the Plenary report. Notes are made next to the first two meetings, there are still some questions on chair and phone numbers. Once this is cleared up, the other meetings will get their information listed also.

Meeting Adjorned at 10:46am.