UBL LCSC Minutes

Monday - 27 January 2003

Attendees: Bill Meadows, Tim McGrath, Lisa Seaburg, Mike Adcock, Monica Martin, Marion Royal, Ken Holman, Peter Yim

1. Welcome from Chair and appointment of Secretary to take minutes Ken is taking minutes.

2. Acceptance of previous minutesWe did not have a quorum, therefore this item was postponed.

3. Status of Release 0p70

-(1) - generated from XSD schemas from Dave Carlson, and from Mike from the spreadsheet

- Mike - Rational Rose are aligned from the spreadsheet "logical business requirements design", models from XSD are models from the technical solution of the business requirements

- Tim - schema generation automated, shouldn't have created new associations for the model; what added value of the two models compared to possible confusion

- Mike - can accept to use only one of the models if they are close enough

Mike's models the information necessary for the business process:.Information required by the processes moving from one message to another - state progression is UML oriented: ordering state/fulfilling state/invoicing state - models of messages might be of more interest to some

- Marion - table Mike's models until we do more assessment

- Mike - They should be there as background business process instead of message or implementation models. We all need more insight into the state transition of information

- conclusion - diagrams in document are fine as they are now

(2) - wordsmithing of Annex D and other areas done interactively in the call

- Ken to look at Figure 1 off-line from PowerPoint image to be sent to him

(4) - Peter - re: Press Release - suggest to add the time of the review period to the announcement

Lisa to continue finalizing the documents.

Tim - what is the status of sample instances?

- Bill working on some Sun examples, Have not heard from Michael or Dagmar

- do we put a placeholder in Annex D for sample instances? - decided to add text to D.1 regarding

Marion to announce to the mail list the resolution of all outstanding issues for Monday's release so that contributors are aware nothing expected for today.

Marion - how to gain consensus from the LCSC group regarding release? Question: does this warrant a full group response since it isn't finalized? Suggested that consensus has been achieved by the reactions of members to the postings to the list regarding this release package. Recognized that members have made comments and will continue to do so through the next review that will be addressed in a future release. Marion to announce availability to last after 13:00EST.

Tim - future work plan schedule and plans for plenary - editing and collation of comments received to be done by QA team

- what do we need to do between 0p70 and 1p00? - some could be: - addressing the refinement and clarification of our position of the role of context and how it can be applied to our work (dovetail with context groups)

- logistical process of OASIS standards, such as template documents, layout structure, physical process of voting, etc.

- ongoing work in terms of content area: normalized models, business trade cycle, do we bring in other business processes (e.g. transport view)?

- Tim will work with Marion on an agenda to talk to the above issues at the plenary to produce a clear action plan for the next 11 weeks: tasks and priority of tasks

- Wednesday's teleconference: can be joint with NDR committee

- consider meeting with tools and techniques regarding streamlining and how we are using the tools, to come up with a strategy (concern the big picture is being lost by using relatively crude tools to get through a prototyping phase and would need something more reliable)

4. Other Business

- presentation at open forum on metadata registries, where Eve presented UBL and it drew quite a few questions about assumptions on code lists, and

- no other business to discuss

Next Meeting - January 29th joint with NDR