UBL LCSC Minutes

Monday - 30 December 2002

Attendees: Tim McGrath, Jon Bosak, Peter Yim ,Mike Adcock, Debbie Quezadaz, Sue Probert and Lisa Seaburg.

1. Welcome from Chair and appointment of Secretary to take minutes Peter is taking minutes.

2. Acceptance of previous minutesWe did not have a quorum, therefore this item was postponed.

3. Analysis Team report (Sue/Michael)

-No Report

4. Assembly Team report (Mike)

* Document Types

* XSD generation

* Document Types/Reusable components spreadsheets

* XSD generation

- Tim has combined Mike seven spreadsheets into a combined one (common components) and seven smaller ones, and posted it as a draft. He has done it as a feasibility check, and believes that it would be a workable model. Every spreadsheet now matches to a corresponding XSD file. It is hoped that Gunther's script could be modified to accommodate this new spreadsheet format without too much work.

- this matches well with both Jon and Mike's thinking as to how this will be done.

- Mike will continue to take charge to bring this work to closure.

- Tim will make some attempt this week to generate schemas from the spreadsheets, but will need to work with Gunther as soon as he resumes work from the holidays.

- Lisa has been working with Gunther closely before the holidays, and advised that he will be back by Jan. 6, 2003.

5. QA Team report (Marion)

* Scope Statement

* Normalized Model

- email received from Marion with apologies that he has been sick and has not been able to do much.

- Sue was requested to review the "Normalized model" for integrity and consistency, and coordinate the activities if there is anything else that needs to be done to move that forward.

- Tim will email Marion to make arrangements to post the latest documents for everyone to comment.

6. Packaging Team (Lisa/Tim)

Draft Document

- Jon/Tim: we will try to stay close to the ISO document template, and use hypertext to point to other parts of the document.

- Tim mentioned that Bill Burcham has written an application to generate a UML Class Diagram (in pdf) from our spreadsheet.

- Ken Holman has volunteered to produce the style sheets (has already produced a HTML and PDF of our 0p65 work as an example.) Tim will introduce Sue and Ken, so they could both work together on this. Sue will make sure the deliverables will be aligned with all relevant standards.

- For the team's information, Sue has been, in the background, trying to get UN eDocs aligned with UBL Naming and Design Rules. It is making some headways and the UK might take it on to drive the effort. Jon applauds that this is good news.

- Jon: vision -- UBL - Part1: NDR; Part 2: LC & Part 3: CM. we will not release as one combined package for this release. offered to help on final review (after he returns from a family vacation on Jan. 6, 2003.) Jon would hand annotate and send Tim scanned images. Tim confirms that this process is workable for him. <

7. Work plan and schedule reviewed

- we are still on schedule to the target release date.

8. Other Business:

Next Meeting - January 7th 8-10am PST - back to normal call in number