Project news

30-day Public Review for #TGF Executive Summary Version 1.0 – ends May 29th

The Transformational Government Framework TC [1] members have recently approved a Committee Note Draft (CSD) and submitted it for 30-day public review:

TGF Executive Summary Version 1.0
Committee Note Draft 01 / Public Review Draft 01
22 April 2014

With the release we are testing a convenience option for submitting comments to the Technical Committee. Please see the details under ‘Public Review Period’ below.


This Executive Summary provides a high-level overview of the Transformational Government Framework (TGF). It is intended to be an easy-to-read summary of the rationale and main points of the TGF and to assist senior managers and implementers in gaining a quick understanding of the areas that need their attention when considering the implementation of a TGF conformant program.

TC Description:

The Transformational Government TC advances an overall framework for using information technology to improve the delivery of public services. Unlike traditional e-Government strategies of the past, Transformational Government begins with citizen engagement to assure greater use and return on investment. The work of the TC includes defining the framework, identifying use cases, and providing adoption guidance for governments around the world, regardless of their history in implementing eGov.

Public Review Period:

The public review starts 30 April 2014 at 00:00 GMT and ends 29 May 2014 at 23:59 GMT.

This is an open invitation to comment. OASIS solicits feedback from potential users, developers and others, whether OASIS members or not, for the sake of improving the interoperability and quality of its technical work.

With this public review, we are testing a new convenience feature for sending comments to the Technical Committee. The file

contains the HTML version of the draft with a “[comment?]” link next to each section heading. Clicking on this link will launch your email application and begin a message to with the specific section number and title in the subject line. (For example, “Public review comment for TGF-Exec-Summary-v1.0-cnprd01: 1.1 References”) Simply enter your comment and click send.

You must be subscribed to the mailing list in order to send your comments. Instructions on how to subscribe can be found at

Note that the Table of Contents doesn’t work in this version and other internal document links may not work in this file. That is one of the items we need fix before making this capability more broadly available. Please feel free to let us know if you find this feature helpful. We plan to refine it and make it a part of our normal public review process.


The prose document and related files are available here:

PDF (Authoritative):


Editable source:

ZIP distribution file (complete):

For your convenience, OASIS provides a complete package of the prose document and related files in a ZIP distribution file. You can download the ZIP file here:

Additional information about the note and the TGF TC can be found at the TC’s public home page:

Comments may be submitted to the TC by any person through the use of the OASIS TC Comment Facility which can be used by following the instructions on the TC’s “Send A Comment” page at:

Comments submitted by TC non-members for this work and for other work of this TC are publicly archived and can be viewed at:

All comments submitted to OASIS are subject to the OASIS Feedback License, which ensures that the feedback you provide carries the same obligations at least as the obligations of the TC members. In connection with this public review of “TGF Executive Summary Version 1.0”, we call your attention to the OASIS IPR Policy [2] applicable especially [3] to the work of this technical committee. All members of the TC should be familiar with this document, which may create obligations regarding the disclosure and availability of a member’s patent, copyright, trademark and license rights that read on an approved OASIS specification.

OASIS invites any persons who know of any such claims to disclose these if they may be essential to the implementation of the above specification, so that notice of them may be posted to the notice page for this TC’s work.

========== Additional references:

[1] Transformational Government Framework TC


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