Gershon Janssen, Director of Solutions Architecture, Reideate

Gershon Janssen is a seasoned Director of Solutions Architect with a diverse portfolio spanning transport, logistics, finance, healthcare, and the public sector. He specializes in designing and building complex IT architectures with a focus on architecture, identity, security, privacy, and policy-related aspects. Gershon’s passion for open standards ignited in 1998 when he contributed to developing one of the first national open standards for intra-departmental communication of citizen records. This early experience shaped his ongoing advocacy for Open Standards, Open Data, Open Source, and Open Innovation, which he believes foster collaboration, reduce redundancy, and drive progress in the digital community.

Throughout his career, Gershon has actively participated in various capacities within open standards development, amassing a wealth of knowledge, experience, and insights essential for fostering, promoting, and adopting open solutions. He has represented OASIS in Europe on numerous occasions, provided inputs to the European Multi Stakeholder Platform on ICT Standardization, and collaborated with European organizations like ETSI and ENISA. Additionally, he serves on the Internet Technical Advisory Committee to the OECD, contributing notably to security and privacy policy topics for the digital economy.

Based in Europe, Gershon’s strategic location and extensive experience working in large, distributed organizations enable him to effectively lead multidisciplinary teams and engage stakeholders from The Americas to Asia. His ability to navigate complex stakeholder interests and achieve results through consensus makes him a respected leader and an influential figure in the field of IT architecture.

Additional Information:
Serving as the Chair of the Board during my most recent term, I have actively collaborated with our Executive Director to guide and implement necessary changes, aligning OASIS with our long-term strategic goals.

OASIS is at a critical juncture. As we face a technology ecosystem that is evolving at an unprecedented pace and shifting business models driven by various external changes, it is crucial that our strategies evolve accordingly. My platform is built on ensuring that OASIS remains a leading organization in open standards development by enhancing our adaptability and responsiveness to these changes, while ensuring we remain relevant and appealing to both existing members and potential new constituencies.

My tenure has taught me the importance of visible, informed leadership. As a board member, I will continue to bring valuable insights to our strategy discussions, ensuring that OASIS meets the expectations of our members and the industry at large. Collaborating closely with other organizations and understanding the landscape in which we operate will allow us to develop better, more widely adopted standards.

I advocate for leveraging strategic partnerships and open initiatives as key drivers of growth and innovation. Open standards and open source are increasingly intersecting, and OASIS should be at the forefront of this confluence. By fostering an open, transparent, and member-driven environment, we can better serve our community and the industry.

A vote for me is a vote for continuity and progress. With your support, I will continue to work tirelessly to steer OASIS towards a future where it not only meets the challenges of today but also sets the standards for tomorrow. Let us continue to advance our mission together, with the good of the OASIS community at heart.