
Open Standards Can Address Global Supply Chain Challenges

By Francis Beland, Executive Director, OASIS Open

With the support of our members, OASIS Open’s initiatives have the potential to help address some of the challenges faced in global trade and logistics, enabling greater interoperability, transparency and efficiency in the supply chain. On a parallel path to de-risking our supply chains, open standards can help to address some of these challenges.

Open standards can facilitate data sharing between different systems and stakeholders, helping to improve supply chain visibility and reduce data silos. This can help to improve efficiency and reduce delays in the supply chain.

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is a standardized electronic format for exchanging business documents. Open standards for EDI can help to improve the accuracy and timeliness of data exchange, reducing errors and delays in the supply chain.

Open standards for blockchain can enable secure and transparent sharing of data between different stakeholders in the supply chain. This can help to improve trust and reduce fraud in international trade.

Open standards for IoT can help to improve supply chain visibility by enabling real-time tracking of goods and assets. This can help to improve efficiency and reduce delays in the supply chain.

Open standards for electronic customs clearance can help to streamline the customs process and reduce delays in the supply chain. This can help to improve efficiency and reduce costs for businesses involved in global trade.

OASIS members are currently forming the Open Supply Chain Information Modeling (OSIM) Technical Committee, which aims to standardize and promote information models for supply chains. Read the latest blog on OSIM here and consider joining the TC before its first meeting on 4 June.