Press Release

OASIS Coalition for Secure AI Welcomes EY, Protect AI, Trend Micro, and Zscaler as Newest Premier Sponsors

Blinder, Cranium, Cyware, Dell Technologies, Fr0ntierX, Harvey, HiddenLayer, Invariant Labs, Lasso Security, Legit Security, Logitech, Mozilla, Styrk AI, Thomson Reuters, TrojAI, and VE3 Join a Growing Roster of Organizations Committed to Advancing AI Security

Boston, MA – 19 September 2024 – The Coalition for Secure AI (CoSAI), an OASIS Open Project that launched on 18 July 2024, is announcing the addition of EY, Protect AI, Trend Micro, and Zscaler as its newest Premier Sponsors. These industry leaders join CoSAI’s expanding alliance of organizations, which now includes more than 30 partners dedicated to advancing the security of artificial intelligence (AI). Together, they support CoSAI’s mission to develop and share open-source methodologies, standardized frameworks, and tools for secure AI development and deployment.

CoSAI is a collaborative open-source initiative designed to give all practitioners and developers the guidance and tools they need to create Secure-by Design AI systems. Three strategic workstreams have been established within CoSAI, with plans to add more over time: software supply chain security for AI systems, preparing defenders for a changing cybersecurity landscape, and AI risk governance.

In addition to welcoming new Premier Sponsors, CoSAI is pleased to introduce its latest General Sponsors: Blinder, Cranium, Cyware, Dell Technologies, Fr0ntierX, Harvey, HiddenLayer, Invariant Labs, Lasso Security, Legit Security, Logitech, Mozilla, Styrk AI, Thomson Reuters, TrojAI, and VE3. These organizations further diversify and strengthen CoSAI’s community of stakeholders committed to advancing AI security.

“Joining CoSAI underscores the EY organization’s dedication to fostering innovation while at the same time enhancing the security and integrity of AI technologies,” said Yang Shim, EY Americas Technology Consulting Leader. “By working alongside other industry leaders, we aim to contribute to the development of robust frameworks that will empower enterprises and individuals to shape the future with confidence through the secure integration and deployment of AI,” added Kapish Vanvaria, EY Americas Risk Leader.

“At Protect AI we are on a mission to create a safer AI-powered world. As the prevalence of AI within organizations grows, so must the ability to secure it,” said Ian Swanson, CEO and Co-founder, Protect AI. “We are proud to join CoSAI as a Premier Sponsor. Through this collaboration, we aim to help shape the development of frameworks and standardized MLSecOps processes that enhance the security, safety, and trust for AI applications across industries.”

Eva Chen, CEO at Trend Micro, said, “We are dedicated to leading the charge in securing AI deployment, ensuring that security is seamlessly embedded from the ground up. Our collaboration with CoSAI reflects our commitment to pioneering efforts that not only protect organizations but also leverage AI to enhance security and uphold the trust of consumers. By bringing together industry leaders, we aspire to set new standards for the integrity and safety of AI systems, driving positive change across both the industry and broader society.

“Zscaler is proud to join CoSAI to collaborate with industry leaders. Our collective aim is to establish best practices that ensure AI technologies are not only innovative but also trustworthy,” said Deepen Desai, Chief Security Officer, Zscaler. “This partnership will enable Zscaler to leverage the power of AI in order to deliver the most advanced security solutions for our customers. Through this collaboration, we’re striving to set a new standard for AI-driven security that prioritizes transparency, reliability, and excellence.”

These Premier and General Sponsors will join forces with CoSAI’s founding Premier Sponsors – Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NVIDIA, and PayPal – and founding General Sponsors, including Amazon, Anthropic, Cisco, Chainguard, Cohere, GenLab, OpenAI, and Wiz. With the support of these industry leaders and experts, CoSAI is poised to make significant strides in establishing standardized practices that enhance AI security and build trust among stakeholders globally.


Everyone is welcome to contribute technically as part of the CoSAI open-source community. OASIS welcomes additional sponsorship support from companies involved in this space. Contact for more information.  

Support for CoSAI 

AI is the most transformative technology of our generation. As attorneys and corporate legal departments adopt AI, data and IP security are at the forefront of their priorities. Blinder is proud to join CoSAI and further the mission of accelerating secure AI development. The open source OASIS model aligns with our focus on fair use IP, and democratizing AI security.”
— Nils Tracy, CEO & Founder, Blinder

“Cranium is proud to join CoSAI to advance AI security. As the leading enterprise AI security and trust software firm, we believe that by sharing our insights and best practices with other industry leaders we can collectively and securely develop and deploy AI. Only through collaboration can we truly strengthen AI security to build trust in each organization’s and third-party AI.”
— Felix Knoll, COO & CRO, Cranium AI, Inc.

“AI is transforming cybersecurity, enabling speed and scale at unprecedented levels. However, the opportunity AI presents is only matched by the risk it introduces. We are committed to developing secure, ethical AI to not only protect our systems but also to build trust with our clients and the broader community. Joining CoSAI was a natural decision, aligned with our mission to drive innovation while ensuring that safety and integrity are at the core of everything we do.”
— Sachin Jade, Cyware Head of Product

Dell Technologies:
“We share an unwavering commitment to collaboration and innovation within the AI ecosystem which includes empowering organizations globally to adopt AI safely and securely. By working alongside industry leaders in the Coalition, we aim to help establish necessary industry standards and contribute to the development of secure open-source solutions.”
— John Roese, Global Chief Technology Officer and Chief AI Officer, Dell Technologies

“AI is reshaping the world, and security must evolve with it. By joining the incredible lineup at CoSAI, we’re excited to be part of a global effort to ensure AI continues to push boundaries safely and responsibly. We look forward to driving innovation in AI and building systems people can rely on every day without compromising their security.”
— Jonathan Begg, CEO, Fr0ntierX

“Trust is the most important factor to the future success of AI. From Day 1, Harvey has built its platform with the highest security standards to become a reliable AI partner for its high-performing legal clients. We are thrilled to join CoSAI to share our experience and contribute to AI security standards for everyone.”
— Winston Weinberg, CEO and Co-Founder, Harvey

“AI has never been easier to develop, use, and implement within organizations. As deployment continues to surge, so does the need to adopt common security standards and best practices in AI security. HiddenLayer is proud to join the CoSAI in our shared mission to support the widespread adoption of AI security principles.”
— Malcolm Harkins, Chief Security & Trust Officer, HiddenLayer

Invariant Labs:
As AI systems and agents rapidly become integral parts of any organization, addressing their security and reliability is one of the key challenges blocking wider adoption. At Invariant Labs, we are proud contributors to open-source AI security, and we are excited to join the CosAI ecosystem and democratize secure AI together.”
— Mislav Balunovic, Co-Founder and CTO, Invariant Labs

Lasso Security:
“LLM and GenAI technologies are now non-negotiable assets for businesses striving to maintain a competitive advantage. However, as GenAI deployment accelerates, organizations must prioritize security standards and best practices to ensure safe and responsible use. At Lasso Security, we are proud to lead the way in securing GenAI deployments and to join CoSAI in our shared goal of protecting organizations from existing and emerging threats.”
— Elad Schulman, CEO & Co-Founder, Lasso Security

Legit Security:
“As AI grows more integral to how we build and deploy software, ensuring the security and integrity of AI systems throughout the software development lifecycle is more urgent than ever. Legit Security is proud to join CoSAI in advancing the security standards for AI systems and infrastructure, enabling organizations to innovate with confidence, safeguarded against emerging AI threats. Together, we will drive forward a secure future for AI in software development.”
— Liav Caspi, Co-Founder and CTO, Legit Security

“Logitech is proud to join CoSAI in its mission to enhance AI security. As a leader in developing human-centric technologies, we recognize the importance of ensuring that AI is developed and deployed responsibly. We are committed to collaborating with CoSAI and industry partners to create a safer and more secure AI ecosystem.”
— Nabil Hamzi, Head of Product Security, Logitech

Mozilla has contributed for decades in security and privacy and that is evident within the standards and protocols that we all use today. We’re proud to support OASIS and CoSAI’s mission in making AI safe and secure. We can’t wait to collaborate in building new and innovative technologies in making AI trustworthy in an open and transparent way.”
— Saoud Khalifah, Director from Mozilla

Styrk AI:
“The partnership with CoSAI allows Styrk to further its mission of enabling safe and secure usage of AI for all. CoSAI’s community focused efforts both in standardization and research in the critical area of AI security fills a very timely need and Styrk will now be able to leverage the platform to contribute back to the community while democratizing AI adoption.”
— Vilayannur Sitaraman, CTO of Styrk AI

“TrojAI is committed to developing comprehensive security solutions to safeguard AI applications and models from evolving threats. We are thrilled to join CoSAI in their mission of advancing the security and trustworthiness of AI systems to ensure the responsible and secure deployment of AI. Together, we will set new standards for AI integrity and security.”
— Lee Weiner, CEO, TrojAI

“VE3 is proud to support CoSAI’s mission to establish a global framework for AI safety and security. As a pioneer in AI development, we recognize the paramount importance of advanced AI security and governance. Joining CoSAI represents our commitment to advancing security in AI development and implementation.”
— Manish Garg, Managing Director, VE3

About CoSAI:

CoSAI is an open ecosystem of AI and security experts from industry-leading organizations dedicated to sharing best practices for secure AI deployment and collaborating on AI security research and product development. CoSAI operates under OASIS Open, the international standards and open source consortium.

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