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* Meeting to review other serializations (Conference Call)
Name * Meeting to review other serializations (Conference Call)
Time Monday, 31 July 2023, 11:00am to 12:30pm UTC
(Monday, 31 July 2023, 11:00am to 12:30pm UTC)



John reinstated as Voter after leave of absence


4/7 Voters [5/7 later as Simon joined]

Approve minutes from 19th June 2023


Approve minutes from 7th July 2023


Both minutes approved as minutes of record

Review of XML, RDF, JSON and relational DB specifications progress

Reviewed the committed XML serialization,

Action: dF to provide an example edit of Constraints

Michal showed SQL table diagrams

Action: Michal to commit SQL and JSON prose specs

Action: John to commit RDF spec this week

NVH serialization discussed [https://www.namevaluehierarchy.org/]

Action: Miloš to commit NVH spec this week

John’s feedback to etymology module discussed

Action: [consensus]

origin -> renamed as etymon

etymon -> renamed as etymon unit

translation property allowed on both levels

Michal to implement in module and XML

All others in their respective serializations


Outstanding items/actions:

Michal - Normative reference to SQL [DDL]

dF to reformat NVH as an informative serialization or appendix once available 


Plan meetings for the rest of summer

7th August 12:30 CEST [regular]

28th August [not counting toward voter eligibility]

Discuss meeting in the week of 14th August [not counting toward voter eligibility] in the regular meeting on 7th August 


4th September - formal meeting to start public reviews


Adjourned 1228 UTC




Approve minutes from 19th June 2023


Approve minutes from 7th July 2023


Review of XML, RDF, JSON and relational DB specifications progress

Any open issues on GitHub

Plan meetings for the rest of summer


Adjourn no later than 1230 UTC


Submitter Dr. David Filip
GroupOASIS Lexicographic Infrastructure Data Model and API (LEXIDMA) TC
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