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* Meeting to review comments from the 1st public review of DMLex 1.0 (Conference Call)
Name * Meeting to review comments from the 1st public review of DMLex 1.0 (Conference Call)
Time Monday, 23 October 2023, 12:00pm to 02:00pm UTC
(Monday, 23 October 2023, 12:00pm to 02:00pm UTC)



Roll call: Simon, Iztok, dF 2/6 Voters

The meeting didn’t reach quorum due to last minutes regrets from Michal and Miloš

[doesn’t count towards voters eligibility]


Discussed our options after not receiving any comments officially during the 1st public review

Agreed replacement meeting time to deal with the situation, most probably extend the 1st public review until 17th November and make sure that we receive all intended comments by then..


The next attempt on quorum will be made Wed 25th October 2023 1300 UTC




Minutes from 8th September approved by ballot

Review comments received during the 1st public review

Assign taks to dispose of comments

Discuss timeline of upcoming public reviews and cs progression

Set subsequent comment resolution meeting times as necessary

Adjourn no later than 1400 UTC


Submitter Dr. David Filip
GroupOASIS Lexicographic Infrastructure Data Model and API (LEXIDMA) TC
Access This event is visible to OASIS Lexicographic Infrastructure Data Model and API (LEXIDMA) TC and shared with
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