// Copyright (C) 2001 ContentGuard Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved. "ContentGuard" is a registered trademark and "XrML", "eXtensible rights Markup Language", the XrML logo, and the ContentGuard logo are trademarks of ContentGuard Holdings, Inc. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners. function loadClickableLoaders(clickableName) { var col = document.all("XMLREF"); var loaderButton; loaderButton = ""; if (col != null) { if ((""+col.length) == "undefined") { var temp = new Array(); temp[0] = col; col = temp; } for (i = 0; i < col.length; i++) { col[i].innerHTML = loaderButton; } } } function loadClickable(ss) { XML_ISLAND.async = false; var col = document.all("XMLREF"); if (col != null) { if ((""+col.length) == "undefined") { var temp = new Array(); temp[0] = col; col = temp; } for (i = 0; i < col.length; i++) { var xpath = col[i].xpath; XML_ISLAND.src = col[i].src; var node = XML_ISLAND.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node) { var result = node.transformNode(ss.XMLDocument); col[i].innerHTML = result; } } } } function loadAnnotations(ss) { XML_ANNOTATION_ISLAND.async = false; var annotation = document.all("ELEMENT_ANNOTATION"); if (annotation != null) { if ((""+annotation.length) == "undefined") { var temp = new Array(); temp[0] = annotation; annotation = temp; } for (i = 0; i < annotation.length; i++) { var xpath = annotation[i].xpath; XML_ANNOTATION_ISLAND.src = annotation[i].src; var annotation_node = XML_ANNOTATION_ISLAND.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (annotation_node) { var result = annotation_node.transformNode(ss.XMLDocument); annotation[i].innerHTML = result; } } } } function f(e) { if (e.className=="ci"){if (e.children(0).innerText.indexOf("\n")<0) fix(e,"cb");} if (e.className=="di"){if (e.children(0).innerText.indexOf("\n")<0) fix(e,"db");} e.id=""; } function fix(e,cl) { e.className=cl; e.style.display="block"; j=e.parentElement.children(0); j.className="c"; k=j.children(0); k.style.visibility="visible"; k.href="#"; } function ch(e) // Expand a hierarchy { mark=e.children(0).children(0); if (mark.innerText=="+") { mark.innerText="-"; for (var i=1;i < e.children.length;i++) { e.children(i).style.display="block"; } } else if (mark.innerText=="-") { mark.innerText="+"; for (var i=1;i < e.children.length;i++) { e.children(i).style.display="none"; } } } function ch2(e) // Contract a hierarchy { mark=e.children(0).children(0); contents=e.children(1); // second child of the e is the contents if (mark.innerText=="+") { mark.innerText="-"; if (contents.className=="db"||contents.className=="cb") contents.style.display="block"; else contents.style.display="inline"; } else if (mark.innerText=="-") { mark.innerText="+"; contents.style.display="none"; } } function cl() // A click has occurred. Walk to the appropriate level and either expand or contract { e=window.event.srcElement; // // Walk up to see if we can find a sensitive line // if (e.className!="c") { e=e.parentElement; if (e.className!="c") { return; } } e=e.parentElement; if (e.className=="e") ch(e); if (e.className=="k") ch2(e); } function ex() { } function h() // Hover on the + or the - { window.status=" "; }