UBL Implementors SC

This Group Has Been Deactivated

TC Public page

Group Description

The UBL Implementors Subcommittee has been established by the OASIS Universal Business Language TC to
- Monitor public discussions of UBL implementation and develop the UBL response to salient postings.
- Collate issues discovered during the UBL implementation phase and convey them to the UBL LCSC, NDRSC, and FPSC.


The Subcommittee was closed by OASIS TC Administration on 21 February 2020 and is no longer active.

Archives of its work remain publicly accessible and are linked from this page. OASIS appreciates the efforts of all those who participated in this committee.

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Wed, 10 Dec 03

* info | isc_20031204.txt (12K)
UBL Implementors SC

* info | isc_20031121.txt (12K)
UBL Implementors SC

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