Comparing results
Module 1: Committee overview
Lesson 1-2: XSLT/XPath Conformance process (Slide 6)
Partner LogoCompany LogoOASIS XSLT/XPath ConformanceTable of ContentsModule 2 - Comments to W3C [2]
Lesson 1 - OASIS XSLT/XPath Conformance Technical Committee [1-1]Module 1 - Committee overview [1]-
Process [1-2-1-1]Lesson 2 - XSLT/XPath Conformance process [1-2]Module 2 - Comments to W3C [2]
Summary Content

The following overviews the methodology of comparing the results of processors against the test suite result:
Comparison methodology overview

Module 1 - Committee overview [1]Module 2 - Comments to W3C [2]
Lesson 1 - OASIS XSLT/XPath Conformance Technical Committee [1-1]Lesson 2 - XSLT/XPath Conformance process [1-2]