OASIS Virtual Event

OASIS Virtual Event

OASIS Annual General Member Meeting

All OASIS Members are invited to join OASIS Board Members and Staff for an interactive annual member gathering.

The business portion of the meeting will include a review of the 2023 Annual Report with financial and operational results. Many of the exciting activities and services recently released and in development for members will be highlighted during this event as well. At the end of the briefing, Members will have a chance to ask questions to OASIS Staff and Board Members. You can submit your question in advance (send to: jharnad@oasis-open.org) or ask your question during the event.

This event will be recorded and will be posted for those unable to attend in person.

OASIS Virtual Event

OASIS Unveils CACAO v2.0 Webinar

‘Revolutionizing Cybersecurity Playbooks for Enhanced Defense’

CACAO, enhanced with its 2.0 iteration, stands as a robust solution that empowers organizations to navigate the intricate landscape of cyber threats seamlessly. Beyond traditional intrusion detection, it introduces advanced techniques like threat deception, presenting a transformative paradigm for responding to contemporary cyber threats. As we delve into the key benefits and elements of CACAO 2.0, anticipate gaining comprehensive insights that will embolden your cybersecurity strategies, learn how playbook creation and sharing has taken a significant step forward, and elevate your organization’s defensive capabilities from your own playbooks and ones from your sharing communities.

By attending this webinar, you’ll gain insights from CACAO designers and cybersecurity experts that have applied years of practical experience and knowledge to the design of the CACAO standard. They’ll discuss how harnessing the capabilities of CACAO will undoubtedly fortify your cybersecurity operations. From orchestrating incident responses to conducting thorough threat assessments, CACAO emerges as a pivotal component in disseminating advanced defensive tradecraft.

Free to attend and open to all.

Member Event

Annual OASIS Awards Ceremony

Join us for our Annual Awards Ceremony on Thursday, 25 January 2024 at 16:00 UTC as we start the new year by recognizing the 2023 Open Cup & Distinguished Contributor Award recipients. Distinguished Contributors Award is awarded to a select group of OASIS members who have made significant contributions to the advancement of open standards and/or open source projects, similar to a “Lifetime Achievement Award” or “Hall of Fame.” Open Cup Award is in recognition of exceptional advancements within the OASIS technical community. Two groups will be awarded the Cup, one for Outstanding Approved Standard and another for Outstanding New Initiative.

Don’t miss this opportunity to herald and cheer the award winners. The gathering will be held virtually on Thursday, 25 January 2024 at 16:00 UTC (11:00 EST). RSVP to receive the details.

OASIS Virtual Event

OASIS Annual General Member Meeting

All OASIS Members are invited to join OASIS Board Members and Staff for an interactive annual member gathering.

The business portion of the meeting will include a review of the 2022 Annual Report with financial and operational results. Many of the exciting activities and services recently released and in development for members will be highlighted during this event as well. At the end of the briefing, Members will have a chance to ask questions to OASIS Staff and Board Members. You can submit your question in advance (send to: jharnad@oasis-open.org) or ask your question during the event.

This event will be recorded and will be posted for those unable to attend in person.

Member Event

Annual OASIS Awards Ceremony

Join us for our Annual Awards Ceremony on Thursday, 26 January 2023 at 16:00 UTC as we start the new year by recognizing the 2022 Open Cup & Distinguished Contributor Award recipients. Distinguished Contributors Award is awarded to a select group of OASIS members who have made significant contributions to the advancement of open standards and/or open source projects, similar to a “Lifetime Achievement Award” or “Hall of Fame.” Open Cup Award is in recognition of exceptional advancements within the OASIS technical community. Two groups will be awarded the Cup, one for Outstanding Approved Standard and another for Outstanding New Initiative.

Don’t miss this opportunity to herald and cheer the award winners. The gathering will be held virtually on Thursday, 26 January 2023 at 16:00 UTC (11:00 EST). RSVP to receive the details.

OASIS Virtual Event

Using CSAF to Respond to Supply Chain Vulnerabilities at Large Scale

The Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) is a standard to communicate Supply Chain and every-day vulnerabilities in an automated fashion. It therefore leverages the potential of SBOM and implements VEX. CSAF allows for the disclosure of security-related vulnerabilities in software, hardware, and specifications in machine-readable format. It supports automation of the production, distribution, and consumption of security advisories—reducing the time between when vulnerabilities are disclosed and when businesses remediate them. That’s why the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recently listed the widespread adoption of CSAF as one of “three critical steps to advance the vulnerability management ecosystem.”

In this webinar, members of the OASIS Open Technical Committee that developed CSAF will review the standard and explain its potential impact on vulnerability management. They will also demonstrate how CSAF documents work with Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) and implement the Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX) to improve global cybersecurity.

OASIS Virtual Event

NIEM & OASIS Community Update

NIEM Management Office and OASIS will hold a joint briefing to preview the organization’s charter as NIEM transitions to OASIS Open. The active participation benefits will be highlighted. This event will be held via ZOOM. Registrants will receive a calendar invite with Zoom Meeting details prior to the meeting.

For questions about this event, please contact Dee Schur. Dee is the Open Source and Standards Advocate at OASIS and engages in business development.

OASIS Virtual Event

Using TOSCA, Unfurl, and GitOps to simplify application deployment

Part of the TOSCA Implementation Webinar Series

During this webinar series, leading developers and users of TOSCA agreed to share their experiences with you. They will show demonstrations of TOSCA-based systems and examples of TOSCA service templates. They’ll also explain the unique benefits of TOSCA for their application domains.

Unfurl, a new open-source tool for managing your application deployment process, will be demonstrated in this webinar. Unfurl lets you easily track configuration, secrets, software and code dependencies, and deployment history all in git. Use TOSCA to describe your cloud infrastructure in simple, application-centric terms and, much like how a build tool builds an application, Unfurl will install and execute the necessary tools to deploy your infrastructure. This presentation will present an overview and live demo of Unfurl as well as a sneak peak of our cloud-based platform for Unfurl, https://unfurl.cloud.

OASIS Virtual Event

Visualizing TOSCA Service Templates with Cloudnet TOSCA Toolbox

Part of the TOSCA Implementation Webinar Series / Virtual Event

This next story will present Cloudnet TOSCA toolbox, a powerful set of TOSCA processors, and will show how generated visual diagrams can help better understanding TOSCA service templates. Our guest speakers will show how TOSCA types can be represented by UML2 class diagrams, how node/relationship templates can be represented by both UML2 component and deployment diagrams, how policies can be represented by UML2 sequence diagrams, and finally how TOSCA workflows can be represented by UML2 activity diagrams. They’ll illustrate generated visual diagrams with examples coming from both OASIS TOSCA and ETSI NFV SOL001 specifications, and from some open source TOSCA orchestrators such as xOpera, TORCH, TosKer, Turandot.

Event is open to all and free to attend.

OASIS Virtual Event

How can the TOSCA practitioners benefit from xOpera project?

Part of the TOSCA Implementation Series

OASIS TOSCA standard provides a strong declarative and extendable language to describe the infrastructure as a code and explain how application needs to be deployed onto infrastructure. The xOpera project includes an opera orchestrator, Template Library and a SaaS version of the orchestrator to equip the TOSCA DevOps teams – individuals or enterprise teams – with the necessary tools to work with TOSCA.  

The story will be presented by the members of the Automation team from XLAB. The team focuses on the smarter automation of application deployment and is composed of most skilled Ansible professionals and practitioners, that develop high-quality and certified collections or automation components for their end users. They are exploring, contributing to, and pushing forward the TOSCA Standard approach through their research projects as an extension to their IT automation portfolio.

OASIS Virtual Event

Learn how MQTT 5 Can Simplify Your IoT Cloud Deployments

MQTT is a widely used, lightweight, machine-to-machine messaging protocol used between devices and the IoT platform. MQTT 5 is the most recent version of the MQTT specification that was created to address the needs of large-scale cloud computing deployments of MQTT. MQTT 5 adds more robust error handling, features for scalability and greater flexibility to the MQTT specification. This webinar will introduce the key new features of MQTT 5 and discuss how developers can take advantage of these features in their IoT development.

OASIS Virtual Event

DITA 2.0: A Not Backwards Compatible Release, Part II

Join members of the OASIS DITA Technical Committee on Tuesday, 05 October 2021 to answer your questions about DITA 2.0. Because DITA 2.0 is NOT backwards compatible, we want to engage vendors and developers of DITA solutions early on.

In this 60-minute session, we’ll answer your questions about DITA 2.0. We’ll also provide links to the final grammar files for DITA 2.0, as well as drafts of the DITA 2.0 specifications. Please bring your questions to the Webinar.

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