Edit Votes and Proxy Vote

This page allows you to edit votes cast by eligible voters or cast a vote on behalf of an eligible voter who has not yet voted. Use this tool to record votes taken at a meeting or for voters unable to vote online. Note: You must have Ballot Manage privileges to edit votes and proxy vote.

To edit votes and proxy vote:

  1. From All Groups, click the name of the group whose ballot details you want to view. This takes you to the home page for that group.
  2. Click the Ballots tab. This takes you to the Group Ballots page.
  3. Click on the Ballot Name. This will take you to the Ballot Details page.
  4. Click the Edit Votes & Proxy Vote link next to the ballot name. This takes you to the Edit Votes & Proxy Vote page.
  5. All eligible voters are listed under the Edit Votes heading. Change a user's vote by selecting from the drop down under the Vote heading. Fill in the 'Other' text box for any 'Other' votes. To delete a vote, select '(no vote)' from the list, and make sure that the 'Other' text box is empty (if applicable).

Note: If a voter has already voted and attached a comment or document to his or her vote, this information will be lost if the vote is changed.

  1. Click Submit Changes after you have selected the appropriate vote for each vote you are modifying, or click Cancel to return to the Group Home without modifying any votes. The message 'OK. Vote Recorded.' appears above each changed vote.
  2. Click Done to return to the Ballot Details page, or use the tabs and breadcrumbs at the top of the page to navigate to another part of the site.

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