Using Search

Kavi Groups supports searching the contents of documents, email, ballots, calendar events, and action items.  You can choose to search within a specific group, or search all groups.  If you choose to search a group of which you are not a member, only shared items to which you have access will be searched. Tip: Search can be accessed either from the My Groups page, or any group's home page.

Search Examples

The Kavi Groups search feature allows complex boolean searching, similar to the format used in many search engines.  Below are some examples of sample queries and what they would match.

Search Content

Different information is indexed for each type of item in Kavi Groups.  Below is a list of what information is indexed for each type of item. Documents:


Calendar Events:


  Action Items:

Search Query Matches
comp* All items containing "computer," "computation," "comptroller," and so on
comp* 2003 2004 All items containing "computer," "computation," "comptroller," and so on that appear in either the 2003 or 2004 search index
computer and email All items containing both the words "computer" and "email"
computer or laptop All items containing "computer" plus all items containing "laptop"
computer or desktop and not laptop All items containing "computer" plus all items containing "desktop," minus any items containing "laptop"
computer and not (desktop or laptop) All items containing "computer" minus any items containing "desktop," minus any items containing "laptop"

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