Bruce Rich

Cryptsoft Pty Ltd

Bruce Rich serves on the OASIS Board of Directors; his term extends through July 2021. Bruce has worked in a number of technical roles for IBM and Cryptsoft, this has included the opportunity to contribute in a wide range of different specialist areas including MVS (now zOS) paging supervisor, distributed file systems (AFS/DFS), security componentry and most recently with OASIS KMIP and PKCS#11 based SDKs for use in the development of standards-based applications. Bruce has served OASIS through two terms on the IdTrust Steering Committee, as well as service on multiple Technical Committees that stretch back to 2004. Most recently, Bruce has been heavily involved with the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) and PKCS#11 Technical Committees, having been a voting member and contributor to both of these committees for a number of years and has experience working with these different standards and participating in OASIS interoperability events for different vendors. Bruce has also been a contributor to other key standards development efforts. He has been a key participant in interop activities around Web Services Security (WS-Secure eXchange, WS-Trust, WS-SecureConversation, WS-SecurityPolicy, WSS Kerberos Token Profile 1.1, WSS SAML Token Profile 1.1, and WSS X509 Token Profile 1.1). Bruce was also a contributor to WS-Policy and the XML Security Working Group (both at W3C).