OASIS Approves Universal Business Language V2.4 Standard for Global Business Transactions

Boston, MA – 27 June 2024 – OASIS Open, the international open source and standards consortium, announced the approval of Universal Business Language (UBL) V2.4 as an OASIS Standard, a status that signifies the highest level of ratification. Developed by the UBL Technical Committee (TC), UBL V2.4 is the leading interchange format for business documents, revolutionizing global business transactions with its latest version. 

The standard works seamlessly with frameworks like ISO/IEC 15000 (ebXML), extending the benefits of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems to businesses worldwide. UBL V2.4 maintains backward compatibility with earlier V2.# versions while introducing new business document types, now totaling 93. The European Union has recognized UBL’s significance by declaring it officially eligible for referencing in tenders from public administrations. 

“UBL 2.4 represents a significant advancement, featuring enhanced support for B2C transactions, which will greatly benefit businesses and consumers alike,” said Kenneth Bengtsson, Chair of the UBL TC. “Additionally, it offers improved alignment with U.S. tax models, ensuring compliance and facilitating smoother transactions. These enhancements reaffirm our commitment to evolving and adapting UBL to meet the ever-changing needs of global commerce.”

As global sustainability efforts increase, UBL will expand its utility to encompass circular data exchange, reflecting the evolving needs of modern commerce. Looking ahead to the development of UBL V2.5, the TC will integrate circular economy data elements, marking a transformative step towards embedding sustainability into global supply chain data exchange. 

The UBL TC is forming a new UBL Commodities Subcommittee (SC), which aims to streamline electronic transactions for raw materials, recycled goods, and agricultural products in global supply chains, with the goal of improving efficiency, transparency, sustainability, and reliability in commodity markets. The SC will standardize UBL document types and semantic library entries for global commodity trading and procurement processes.

The UBL TC encourages global collaboration and actively seeks input from stakeholders to ensure the success of UBL as a cornerstone for sustainability data exchange. The TC welcomes a diverse range of contributors, including ERP vendors; software and service providers; national, regional and local public authorities; procurement and trade communities; e-invoicing networks; supply chain communities; and logistics and transportation companies. Participation is open to all through membership in OASIS, with interested parties encouraged to join and contribute to shaping the future of structured business document exchange. Contact join@oasis-open.org for more information.  

Invitation to comment on Universal Business Language v2.4 before call for consent as OASIS Standard

OASIS and the OASIS Universal Business Language TC [1] are pleased to announce that Universal Business Language Version 2.4 is now available for public review and comment.

UBL is the leading interchange format for business documents. It is designed to operate within a standard business framework such as ISO/IEC 15000 (ebXML) to provide a complete, standards-based infrastructure that can extend the benefits of existing EDI systems to businesses of all sizes. The European Commission has declared UBL officially eligible for referencing in tenders from public administrations, and in 2015 UBL was approved as ISO/IEC 19845:2015.

Specifically, UBL provides:
– A suite of structured business objects and their associated semantics expressed as reusable data components and common business documents.
– A library of schemas for reusable data components such as Address, Item, and Payment, the common data elements of everyday business documents.
– A set of schemas for common business documents such as Order, Despatch Advice, and Invoice that are constructed from the UBL library components and can be used in generic procurement and transportation contexts.

UBL v2.4 is a minor revision to v2.3 that preserves backwards compatibility with previous v2.# versions. It adds new document types, bringing the total number of UBL business documents to 93.

The TC received three Statements of Use from Efact, Google, and Semantic [3].

The candidate specification and related files are available here:

Universal Business Language Version 2.4
Committee Specification 01
17 October 2023

Editable source (Authoritative):
Code lists for constraint validation:
Context/value Association files for constraint validation:
Document models of information bundles:
Default validation test environment:
XML examples:
Annotated XSD schemas:
Runtime XSD schemas:

For your convenience, OASIS provides a complete package of the prose specification and related files in a ZIP distribution file. You can download the ZIP file at:

Members of the UBL TC [1] approved this specification by Special Majority Vote [2]. The specification had been released for public review as required by the TC Process [4].

Public Review Period

The 60-day public review starts 28 March 2024 at 00:00 UTC and ends 26 May 2024 at 23:59 UTC.

This is an open invitation to comment. OASIS solicits feedback from potential users, developers and others, whether OASIS members or not, for the sake of improving the interoperability and quality of its technical work.

Comments may be submitted to the TC by any person directly at:

Comments submitted by for this work and for other work of this TC are publicly archived and can be viewed at:
link to previous comments on UBL works: lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-comment

All comments submitted to OASIS are subject to the OASIS Feedback License, which ensures that the feedback you provide carries the same obligations at least as the obligations of the TC members. In connection with this public review of Universal Business Language Version 2.4 we call your attention to the OASIS IPR Policy [5] applicable especially [6] to the work of this technical committee. All members of the TC/OP should be familiar with this document, which may create obligations regarding the disclosure and availability of a member’s patent, copyright, trademark and license rights that read on an approved OASIS specification.

OASIS invites any persons who know of any such claims to disclose these if they may be essential to the implementation of the above specification, so that notice of them may be posted to the notice page for this TC’s work.

========== Additional references:
[1] OASIS Universal Business Language TC
former link: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/

[2] Approval ballot:

[3] Links to Statements of Use

[4] History of publication, including previous public reviews:

[5] https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/ipr/

[6] https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ipr.php
RF on Limited Terms Mode

Universal Business Language v2.4 from the UBL TC approved as a Committee Specification

OASIS is pleased to announce that Universal Business Language Version 2.4 from the OASIS Universal Business Language TC [1] has been approved as an OASIS Committee Specification.

UBL is the leading interchange format for business documents. It is designed to operate within a standard business framework such as ISO/IEC 15000 (ebXML) to provide a complete, standards-based infrastructure that can extend the benefits of existing EDI systems to businesses of all sizes. The European Commission has declared UBL officially eligible for referencing in tenders from public administrations, and in 2015 UBL was approved as ISO/IEC 19845:2015.

Specifically, UBL provides:
– A suite of structured business objects and their associated semantics expressed as reusable data components and common business documents.
– A library of schemas for reusable data components such as Address, Item, and Payment, the common data elements of everyday business documents.
– A set of schemas for common business documents such as Order, Despatch Advice, and Invoice that are constructed from the UBL library components and can be used in generic procurement and transportation contexts.

UBL v2.4 is a minor revision to v2.3 that preserves backwards compatibility with previous v2.# versions. It adds new document types, bringing the total number of UBL business documents to 93.

This Committee Specification is an OASIS deliverable, completed and approved by the TC and fully ready for testing and implementation.

The prose specifications and related files are available here:

Universal Business Language Version 2.4
Committee Specification 01
17 October 2023

Editable source (Authoritative):
Code lists for constraint validation:
Context/value Association files for constraint validation:
Document models of information bundles:
Default validation test environment:
XML examples:
Annotated XSD schemas:
Runtime XSD schemas:

For your convenience, OASIS provides a complete package of the prose specification and related files in a ZIP distribution file. You can download the ZIP file at:

Members of the UBL TC [1] approved this specification by Special Majority Vote. The specification had been released for public review as required by the TC Process [2]. The vote to approve as a Committee Specification passed [3], and the document is now available online in the OASIS Library as referenced above.

Our congratulations to the TC on achieving this milestone and our thanks to the reviewers who provided feedback on the specification drafts to help improve the quality of the work.

========== Additional references:
[1] OASIS Universal Business Language TC

[2] History of publication, including public reviews:

[3] Approval ballot:

Invitation to comment on Universal Business Language v2.4 from the UBL TC

OASIS and the OASIS Universal Business Language TC are pleased to announce that Universal Business Language Version 2.4 is now available for public review and comment. This is the second public review for Universal Business Language Version 2.4.

About the specification draft:

UBL is the leading interchange format for business documents. It is designed to operate within a standard business framework such as ISO/IEC 15000 (ebXML) to provide a complete, standards-based infrastructure that can extend the benefits of existing EDI systems to businesses of all sizes. The European Commission has declared UBL officially eligible for referencing in tenders from public administrations, and in 2015 UBL was approved as ISO/IEC 19845:2015.

Specifically, UBL provides:
– A suite of structured business objects and their associated semantics expressed as reusable data components and common business documents.
– A library of schemas for reusable data components such as Address, Item, and Payment, the common data elements of everyday business documents.
– A set of schemas for common business documents such as Order, Despatch Advice, and Invoice that are constructed from the UBL library components and can be used in generic procurement and transportation contexts.

UBL v2.4 is a minor revision to v2.3 that preserves backwards compatibility with previous v2.# versions. It adds new document types, bringing the total number of UBL business documents to 93. As with previous UBL releases, the UBL 2.4 library is designed to support the construction of a wide variety of document types beyond those provided in the 2.4 package.

The specification documents and related files are available here:

Universal Business Language Version 2.4
Committee Specification Draft 02
26 July 2023

Editable source (Authoritative):
Code lists for constraint validation:
Context/value Association files for constraint validation:
Document models of information bundles:
Default validation test environment:
XML examples:
Annotated XSD schemas:
Runtime XSD schemas:
PDF file displaying red-lined text changes between csd01 and csd02:

For your convenience, OASIS provides a complete package of the prose specification and related files in a ZIP distribution file. You can download the ZIP file at:

How to Provide Feedback

OASIS and the UBL TC value your feedback. We solicit feedback from potential users, developers and others, whether OASIS members or not, for the sake of improving the interoperability and quality of our technical work.

This public review starts 17 August 2023 at 00:00 UTC and ends 15 September 2023 at 11:59 UTC.

Comments may be submitted to the TC by any person through the use of the OASIS TC Comment Facility which can be used by following the instructions on the TC’s “Send A Comment” page (https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/comments/index.php?wg_abbrev=ubl).

Comments submitted by TC non-members for this work and for other work of this TC is publicly archived and can be viewed at:

All comments submitted to OASIS are subject to the OASIS Feedback License, which ensures that the feedback you provide carries the same obligations at least as the obligations of the TC members. In connection with the public review of this work, we call your attention to the OASIS IPR Policy [1] applicable especially [2] to the work of this technical committee. All members of the TC should be familiar with this document, which may create obligations regarding the disclosure and availability of a member’s patent, copyright, trademark and license rights that read on an approved OASIS specification.

OASIS invites any persons who know of any such claims to disclose these if they may be essential to the implementation of the above specification, so that notice of them may be posted to the notice page for this TC’s work.

Additional information about this specification and the UBL TC may be found on the TC’s public home page:

Additional information related to this public review, including a complete publication and review history, can be found in the public review metadata document [3].

Additional references:

[1] https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/ipr/

[2] https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ipr.php
RF on Limited Terms Mode

[3] Public review metadata document:

Invitation to comment on Universal Business Language v2.4 from the UBL TC

OASIS and the OASIS Universal Business Language TC are pleased to announce that Universal Business Language Version 2.4 is now available for public review and comment. This is the first public review for Universal Business Language Version 2.4.

About the specification draft:

UBL is the leading interchange format for business documents. It is designed to operate within a standard business framework such as ISO/IEC 15000 (ebXML) to provide a complete, standards-based infrastructure that can extend the benefits of existing EDI systems to businesses of all sizes. The European Commission has declared UBL officially eligible for referencing in tenders from public administrations, and in 2015 UBL was approved as ISO/IEC 19845:2015.

Specifically, UBL provides:
– A suite of structured business objects and their associated semantics expressed as reusable data components and common business documents.
– A library of schemas for reusable data components such as Address, Item, and Payment, the common data elements of everyday business documents.
– A set of schemas for common business documents such as Order, Despatch Advice, and Invoice that are constructed from the UBL library components and can be used in generic procurement and transportation contexts.

UBL v2.4 is a minor revision to v2.3 that preserves backwards compatibility with previous v2.# versions. It adds new document types, bringing the total number of UBL business documents to 93. As with previous UBL releases, the UBL 2.4 library is designed to support the construction of a wide variety of document types beyond those provided in the 2.4 package.

The specification documents and related files are available here:

Universal Business Language Version 2.4
Committee Specification Draft 01
08 February 2023

Editable source (Authoritative):
Code lists for constraint validation:
Context/value Association files for constraint validation:
Document models of information bundles:
Default validation test environment:
XML examples:
Annotated XSD schemas:
Runtime XSD schemas:

For your convenience, OASIS provides a complete package of the prose specification and related files in a ZIP distribution file. You can download the ZIP file at:

How to Provide Feedback

OASIS and the UBL TC value your feedback. We solicit feedback from potential users, developers and others, whether OASIS members or not, for the sake of improving the interoperability and quality of our technical work.

This public review starts 07 March 2023 at 00:00 UTC and ends 05 April 2023 at 11:59 UTC.

Comments may be submitted to the TC by any person through the use of the OASIS TC Comment Facility which can be used by following the instructions on the TC’s “Send A Comment” page (https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/comments/index.php?wg_abbrev=ubl).

Comments submitted by TC non-members for this work and for other work of this TC is publicly archived and can be viewed at:

All comments submitted to OASIS are subject to the OASIS Feedback License, which ensures that the feedback you provide carries the same obligations at least as the obligations of the TC members. In connection with the public review of this work, we call your attention to the OASIS IPR Policy [4] applicable especially [5] to the work of this technical committee. All members of the TC should be familiar with this document, which may create obligations regarding the disclosure and availability of a member’s patent, copyright, trademark and license rights that read on an approved OASIS specification.

OASIS invites any persons who know of any such claims to disclose these if they may be essential to the implementation of the above specification, so that notice of them may be posted to the notice page for this TC’s work.

Additional information about this specification and the UBL TC may be found on the TC’s public home page:

Additional information related to this public review, including a complete publication and review history, can be found in the public review metadata document [3].

Additional references:

[1] https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/ipr/

[2] https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ipr.php
RF on Limited Terms Mode

[3] Public review metadata document:

Universal Business Language (UBL) TC publishes JSON representations for UBL 2.1, UBL 2.2, and UBL 2.3

We are pleased to announce the publication of three Committee Notes providing JSON alternative representations of the XML documents included in the Universal Business Language (UBL) OASIS Standards – UBL 2.1, UBL 2.2, and UBL 2.3. These Committee Notes were developed by the members of the OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC [1].

“UBL 2.1 JSON Alternative Representation Version 2.0” supplements the OASIS Universal Business Language version 2.1 release with an alternative expression of the UBL sample XML documents in JSON syntax, and two JSON schema expressions of all 65 XSD schemas in conformance to the OASIS Business Document Naming and Design Rules Version 1.1.

“UBL 2.2 JSON Alternative Representation Version 1.0” supplements the UBL 2.2 release with an alternative expression of the UBL sample XML documents in JSON syntax, and two JSON schema expressions of all of its 81 XSD schemas.

“UBL 2.3 JSON Alternative Representation Version 1.0” supplements UBL 2.3 with an alternative expression of the UBL sample XML documents in JSON syntax, and two JSON schema expressions of all of its 91 XSD schemas.

The documents and related files are available here:

UBL 2.1 JSON Alternative Representation Version 2.0
Committee Note 01
01 December 2021

Editable source (Authoritative):
JSON legacy examples:
JSON model examples:
JSON legacy schemas:
JSON model schemas:
Validation test environment:
For your convenience, OASIS provides a complete package of the specification document and any related files in ZIP distribution files.
ZIP file:

UBL 2.2 JSON Alternative Representation Version 1.0
Committee Note 01
01 December 2021

Editable source (Authoritative):
JSON legacy examples:
JSON model examples:
JSON legacy schemas:
JSON model schemas:
Validation test environment:
ZIP file:

UBL 2.3 JSON Alternative Representation Version 1.0
Committee Note 01
01 December 2021

Editable source (Authoritative):
JSON legacy examples:
JSON model examples:
JSON legacy schemas:
JSON model schemas:
Validation test environment:
ZIP file:

Members of the UBL TC approved these Committee Notes by a Full Majority vote on 01 December 2021, as documented in the TC minutes [2].

Our congratulations to all the members of the TC.

Additional references

[1] OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

[2] Approval

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