

LegalRuleML Core Specification Version 1.0 – Committee Specification 02

Extending the RuleML specifiation with formal features specific to legal norms, guidelines, policies and reasoning. It defines a specification (expressed with XML-schema and Relax NG) that is able to represent the particularities of the legal normative rules with a rich, articulated, and meaningful markup language.

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Voting history:

April 2020

Voting History

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Cite as:
LegalRuleML Core Specification Version 1.0.
Edited by Monica Palmirani, Guido Governatori, Tara Athan, Harold Boley,
Adrian Paschke, and Adam Wyner. 06 April 2020.
OASIS Committee Specification 02.
Latest version:


Electronic Court Filing Web Services Service Interaction Profile Version 5.0

Defines a Service Interaction Profile, as defined in section 6 of the LegalXML Electronic Court Filing Version 5.0 (ECF 5.0) specification. The Web Services Service Interaction Profile may be used to transmit ECF 5.0 messages between Internet-connected systems.

Produced by:

OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC

Voting history:

April 2019

Voting History

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[ECF-WS-SIP-v5.0] Electronic Court Filing Web Services Service Interaction Profile Version 5.0. Edited by James Cabral, Gary Graham, and Philip Baughman. 24 April 2019. OASIS Committee Specification 01. Latest version:


Electronic Court Filing Version 5.0

Consists of a set of non-proprietary XML and Web services specifications developed to promote interoperability among electronic court filing vendors and systems. ECF v5.0 is a major release that adds new functionality and capabilities beyond the scope of the ECF 4.0 and 4.01 specifications that it supersedes.

Produced by:

OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC

Voting history:

April 2019

Voting History

Cite as:

[ECF-v5.0] Electronic Court Filing Version 5.0. Edited by James Cabral, Gary Graham, and Philip Baughman. 18 April 2019. OASIS Committee Specification 01. Latest version:


Akoma Ntoso Naming Convention Version 1.0

Defining the naming convention for IRIs and ids related to the Akoma Ntoso XML standard. Id attributes are optional, but whenever attributes ‘eId’ and ‘wId’ are used, the specifications in this document are mandatory.

Produced by:

OASIS LegalDocumentML (LegalDocML) TC

Voting history:

February 2019

Voting History

Cite as:

Cite as:
Akoma Ntoso Naming Convention Version 1.0. Edited by Fabio Vitali, Monica Palmirani, and Véronique Parisse. 21 February 2019. OASIS Standard.
Latest version:


Akoma Ntoso Version 1.0

Defining a common legal document standard for the specification of parliamentary, legislative, and judicial documents, for their interchange between institutions anywhere in the world, and for the creation of a common data and metadata model that allows experience, expertise, and tools to be shared and extended by all participating peers, courts, Parliaments, Assemblies, Congresses, and administrative branches of governments.

Produced by:

OASIS LegalDocumentML (LegalDocML) TC

Voting history:

August 2018

Voting History

Cite as:

Cite as:
Akoma Ntoso Version 1.0 Part 1: XML Vocabulary. Edited by Monica Palmirani, Roger Sperberg, Grant Vergottini, and Fabio Vitali.
29 August 2018. OASIS Standard.
Latest version:

Akoma Ntoso Version 1.0. Part 2: Specifications. Edited by Fabio Vitali, Monica Palmirani, Roger Sperberg, and Véronique Parisse.
29 August 2018. OASIS Standard.
Latest version:


LegalRuleML Core Specification Version 1.0 – Committee Specification 01

Extends RuleML with formal features specific to legal norms, guidelines, policies and reasoning. It defines a specification (expressed with XML-schema and Relax NG) that is able to represent the particularities of the legal normative rules with a rich, articulated, and meaningful markup language.

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Voting history:

May 2018

Voting History

Cite as:

Cite as:
LegalRuleML Core Specification Version 1.0.
Edited by Monica Palmirani, Guido Governatori, Tara Athan, Harold Boley,
Adrian Paschke, and Adam Wyner. 08 May 2018.
OASIS Committee Specification 01.
Latest version:


Transformational Government Framework Version 2.0

A practical “how to” standard for the design and implementation of an effective program of technology-enabled change at national, state or local government level. It describes a managed process of ICT-enabled change within the public sector and in its relationships with the private and voluntary sectors, which puts the needs of citizens and businesses at the heart of that process and which achieves significant and transformational impacts on the efficiency and effectiveness of government.

The TGF provides a tried and tested way forward utilizing the best parts of existing e-Government programs and avoiding large new investments. Its formalization as a Pattern Language enables it to be encapsulated in more formal, tractable, and machine-processable forms, thus making it easy to integrate into desk-top tools and management software aiding testing and assurance of compliance and conformance.

This Work Product constitutes the initial core set of patterns that form the TGF Standard. This set may be revised and/or extended from time to time as appropriate. It replaces and supersedes both the TGF Primer Version 1.0 and the TGF Pattern Languages Core Patterns Version 1.0.

Produced by:

OASIS Transformational Government Framework TC

Voting history:

May 2014

Voting History

Cite as:

Cite as:
Transformational Government Framework Version 2.0. Edited by John Borras, Peter F Brown, and Chris Parker. 01 May 2014. OASIS Committee Specification 01. Latest version:


Electronic Court Filing Version 4.01

Defines the LegalXML Electronic Court Filing 4.01 (ECF 4.0) specification, which consists of a set of non-proprietary XML and Web services specifications, along with clarifying explanations and amendments to those specifications, that have been added for the purpose of promoting interoperability among electronic court filing vendors and systems. ECF Version 4.01 is a maintenance release to address several minor schema and definition issues identified by implementers of the ECF 4.0 specification.

Produced by:

OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC

Voting history:

Voting History, May 2013
Voting History for Approved Errata 01, July 2014
Voting History for Approved Errata 02, July 2015

Cite as:

Cite as:
[ECF v4.01]
Electronic Court Filing Version 4.01 Plus Errata 02. Edited by Adam Angione and James Cabral. 07 July 2015. OASIS Standard incorporating Approved Errata 02.
Latest version:


Transformational Government Framework (TGF) Pattern Language Core Patterns v1.0

A practical “how to” standard for the design and implementation of an effective program of technology-enabled change at national, state or local government level. It describes a managed process of ICT-enabled change in the public sector, which puts the needs of citizens and businesses at the heart of that process and which achieves significant and transformational impacts on the efficiency and effectiveness of government.

The complete Framework consists of:

· The TGF Primer

· The TGF Pattern Language

· and possibly other future deliverables

The TGF Pattern Language is a formalization of the Framework that is both human-readable and machine-tractable. It provides a concise, structured and formal set of “patterns” using the so‑called “Alexandrian form”, where each pattern describes a core problem, a context in which the problem arises and an archetypal solution to the stated problem.

This Work Product constitutes the initial set of patterns that form the core of the TGF Pattern Language. This set may be revised and/or extended from time to time as appropriate.

Produced by:

OASIS Transformational Government Framework TC

Voting history:

April 2013

Voting History

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Election Markup Language (EML) v5.0

Describes the background and purpose of the Election Markup Language, the electoral processes from which it derives its structure and the security and audit mechanisms it is designed to support. It also provides an explanation of the core schemas used throughout, definitions of the simple and complex datatypes, plus the EML schemas themselves. It also covers the conventions used in the specification and the use of namespaces, as well as the guidance on the constraints, extendibility, and splitting of messages.

Produced by:

OASIS Election and Voter Services TC

Voting history:

December 2007

Voting History

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