KaviŽ Billing Help

Chapter 25. Send Template Email


The Send Template Email page is used to send a template based email about the bill to the billing account.

Use the Send Template Email page to:

  • Send a template based email to the billing account.

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How to use the Send Template Email page

The information on this email page will be pre-filled with the email address of the user or billing contact of the company that the bill has been issued to as well as the subject and message template. You may edit the email addresses and change the message template to provide all the relevant bill related information.


Email Template:

To change the message template, select a new template from the list and click the Change Template button. If you want to change the content of any template, you can do so on the Edit a Template page.


This field will be pre-filled with the email address of the user or billing contact of the company to whom the bill has been issued. If no billing contact has been assigned, the email address of the primary contact will be displayed.


A list of email contacts, aliases or addresses that will be cc'd when this email notification is sent.


The From field will be prepopulated with the email addresses of the organization administrator and the current logged in user.


The text that will appear on the subject line of the email. This will be populated with the template subject.


The body of the email to be sent to the user.

This will be populated with the template message. You can edit this if you want to customize your message. Type the body of your message in the text box. Text can be formatted using spaces and line breaks, but HTML formatting is not allowed to ensure the security of mail sent to members from Kavi Billing.

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