KaviŽ Billing Help

Appendix A. Configuring Kavi Billing for the First Time

Table of Contents

Setup Step Descriptions


Kavi Billing some configuration options that should be reviewed and set for each organization before the first use. Kavi Billing configuration is neither complex nor difficult, and can easily be completed in very little time.

The configuration steps illustrated below are shown in the recommended order for a feature-rich Web site and show the most efficient route through the configuration process. Not all steps are required, and running steps out of order is completely safe.

Figure A.1. Kavi Billing Setup Steps

Diagram showing the order in which major Kavi Billing configuration options should be set.
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Setup Step Descriptions

These are broad setup steps. Some can be completed by visiting a single page on the Web site while others require you to use several configuration pages. It may also be necessary to configure other applications that work in tandem with Kavi Billing before you are ready to launch a fully functioning Web site. For example, to allow members to pay their bills via credit card, you will also need to configure KaviŽ Commerce.

Installing Kavi Billing

Kavi Billing will be installed by technical support staff. If you will be collecting credit card information for bills, then you will need to have a security certificate in place. Kavi Billing is easily installed through the Zope management interface once the code is in place.

Setting Organization Properties

The organization properties include the administrative contact email address, default due date, and bill ID template. You can also decide whether to collect PO and invoice numbers with bills.

Payment Methods

When members pay a bill online, they choose between all the available payment methods, such as credit card or check. Once they select a payment method, they will be shown instructions on how to remit payment. For each payment method accepted by this organization, you will need to enter a payment method name and information about how to submit payment. If Kavi Commerce is installed, the credit card payment method will be automatically created.

Once you have one or more payment methods defined, Kavi Billing can be used to track bills and payments. All of the basic Kavi Billing operations are ready to go. The rest of the configuration steps will ensure that billing information presented to members is tailored for this organization and will help facilitate common administrative tasks.

Automate Account Creation

When a bill is issued as part of the membership signup or renewal process, a Kavi Billing account is automatically created for the member. If you want to bill users and companies for services unrelated to membership, you will first need billing accounts created for those users or companies.

Set Kavi Billing to automatically create billing accounts for some or all of the users and companies in the KaviŽ Members database if this organization will regularly be creating new bills outside of the membership signup or renewal process.

Customize the Invoice and Receipt templates

Every bill includes links to a print-ready invoice and a print-ready receipt (once it has been paid). The look and feel of the invoice and receipt is controlled by an HTML template. The default invoice and receipt are black and white and very utilitarian. For a more professional look, edit these HTML templates to include the organization's logo, color scheme, and messaging.

Email Templates

Kavi Billing sends out a lot of email to administrators and billing contacts. The default text for this email is safe, but lacks character. Because the tone of an email message can be such an important part of establishing the organization's reputation with users, all the email templates should be reviewed and updated to include details specific to this organization.

Schedule Overdue Notices

Schedule email to automatically alert administrators when a bill becomes past due. You can schedule one or many notices to go out at different intervals from the due date.

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