KaviŪ Commerce Help

Chapter 1. How Kavi Commerce Works

Kavi's ECommerce System

Kavi Commerce handles credit card authorizations and payment transactions for Kavi Membership. In most cases, transactions originate within Kavi Billing, rather than Kavi Commerce.

When a membership is added, a bill is created in Kavi Billing, the billing component of Kavi Membership. If the end user opts to pay the membership bill online with a credit card, Kavi Billing transparently hands the credit card authorization and payment transaction off to Kavi Commerce, and resumes control when the transaction completes. The end user views and interacts with Kavi Billing tools without any awareness of the transfer of control to and from Kavi Commerce.

The same is true for administrators during normal payment processes. Administrators ordinarily interact with Kavi Commerce only in special circumstances, such as when transaction details are needed or a transaction must be completed, canceled or refunded.

Figure 1.1. Kavi Commerce System

ECommerce transactions take coordination between multiple
	    components, including Kavi Membership and the external PayPal system. The basic process
	    is outlined below.
  1. A user applies for membership and opts to pay online with their credit card. Kavi Workspace conducts this transaction via an encrypted connection (SSL).

  2. The Payment Gateway handles the real-time encrypted credit card information and sends information to the Internet Merchant Account.

  3. The Internet Merchant Account processes the transfer of funds.

  4. Funds are debited from the member's credit card account.

  5. Funds are deposited into your organization's bank account.

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SSL, Supported Gateways and Your Internet Merchant Account

SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

To process credit cards, your organization must have a security certificate installed on your site. A security certificate enables SSL, or Secure Socket Layer encryption, on all credit card information passed through your website. When you visit a webpage protected by SSL, the first part of the URL will begin with https rather than http. Many browsers display a lock icon when visiting a secure webpage. Kavi ensures SSL is working on your website before your online credit card collection forms are turned on.

Supported Gateways

A payment processing gateway transmits the payment information from your website to your Internet Merchant Account. Kavi Commerce supports the PayPal online gateway and a manual processing mode that is used only for testing.


PayPal provides a secure infrastructure for online transactions. Many people use PayPal personal accounts so they can make online purchases without exposing their credit card account numbers, but PayPal also offers merchant accounts. If your organization wants to provide members with a secure way to submit credit card payments for membership fees, it can get a PayPal merchant account, as described in the following section. Kavi Commerce interacts with PayPal through SSL, and PayPal handles the credit card authorization, debiting the card holders' account and depositing to your organization's account.

Manual Processing Mode

Kavi Commerce can operate in Manual Processing (offline) Mode for testing purposes, especially during site setup.

Setting Up your PayPal Merchant Account

An Internet Merchant Account is a specialized bank service that allows your organization to process credit cards online. Kavi uses PayPal, so your organization must have an Internet Merchant Account with PayPal before Kavi Commerce can go live.

Kavi cannot set up an Internet Merchant Account for your organization, as this requires information about your organization's bank accounts and other sensitive data. Detailed information about setting up an Internet Merchant Account is available on the PayPal website to get you started. Here is a link to U.S. PayPal Merchant Services page.

Once your organization has a PayPal merchant account, your members can use credit cards to pay their membership fees, just as they would purchase products or services through any other ecommerce portal. They do not need personal PayPal accounts to do this.

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