Kavi Mailing List Manager Help

Chapter 61. Add an Alias


Use the Add an Alias tool to create a new alias. Provide an alias name, description and subscriber email addresses. Every email message sent to this alias is forwarded to all these subscribed addresses. If virus scanning is enabled for your site, you may set virus scanning options for this alias.

More Information on Aliases

Use the Add an Alias tool to:

Add a new alias.

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How to use the Add an Alias tool


Add a name and description for this alias, specify whether or not email sent to this alias will be scanned for viruses, and add the list of email addresses to which email sent to this alias will be forwarded. Click Save when you are done configuring the new alias.


Alias Name

Alias names must be all lowercase and may contain alpha-numeric characters, underscores (_), dashes (-) or periods. Spaces and special characters are not allowed.

The system automatically appends the "at sign" and domain name to the alias, so you should not add them to the alias name when creating an alias. For example, an alias is added and 'aliasname' is entered for the alias name. If the domain is 'host.domain.tld', the system will store the alias as 'aliasname@host.domain.tld', and this is the address you would use to send mail to the alias.

Once an alias has been created, the name cannot be edited.


A short plain-text description of this alias, maximum 70 characters in length.

Scan for Viruses

Yes or no, do you want email sent to this alias to have virus scanning enforced automatically? This option is available if virus scanning is enabled for your site.

  • If 'yes', then incoming email is screened for viruses, and email containing viruses is rejected rather than posted to the alias mailbox.

  • If 'no', incoming email will not be filtered before entering the alias mailbox and will simply be forwarded to all recipients on the alias list.

Email Addresses

The list of email addresses to which email sent to this alias is automatically forwarded. Email addresses must be in text-only format, separated by new lines, e.g.:




You've just added an alias and it will immediately forward any email messages it receives. Click Add Another if you would like to add another alias.

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