Kavi Mailing List Manager Help

Chapter 35. Why Didn't Bob Get this Email?

Before you begin

The first step in problem solving is to be sure you have correctly identified the problem. Review the problem statements listed below to see if one of them fits your situation before proceeding. If you aren't sure any of the statements fit, see How to Use the Email Troubleshooting Flowcharts for a list of other problem statements and flowcharts.

Problem statements that fit this flowchart:

  • Everyone who was supposed to get this message has it, except for Bob.

  • Bob didn't get this message but believes he should have.

Related problem statements that do NOT fit this flowchart:

  • I sent a message yesterday, but no one has received it yet. Where is this message?


    The troubleshooting document 'Where Is this Message?' is temporarily unavailable.

  • I sent a message earlier today, but Bob says he hasn't received it yet. Why is the email slow?

The Usual Suspects

  • Bob didn't get this message because he isn't subscribed.

  • The message was sent to Bob but hasn't been successfully delivered yet.

  • The message was successfully delivered to Bob's ISP, where something bad happened to it. Hopefully it is just delayed in a mail queue but it may have been deleted by a spam filter.

  • The message was successfully delivered to Bob's mailbox, but he doesn't know it yet. Maybe it was filtered it into the wrong folder or maybe Bob didn't immediately recognize the subject.

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Instructions for Bob

If this sounds like your situation, there are a couple of things you can check before contacting support. If you do need to contact support, the last item in this list tells you what kind of information will help expedite your support request.

  • Doublecheck to see whether the message is in your inbox. Check whether it was filtered into the wrong mail folder.

  • If the message was sent less than 24 hours ago, you might wait a while longer to see if it is on its way. Messages that are sent to a lot of people or have large attachments take longer to process.

  • Log into the website to see if you are subscribed to this mailing list. If your email address changed recently, you can verify that your email address is correct.

  • If you have performed these checks and the issue isn't resolved, you can include the results of your inquiry in your support request. Also include your primary email address, the subscribed address where you expected to receive the email, whether you have experienced any difficulties with email delivery lately (e.g., if your mailbox was full, you received bounce probes, etc.), which mailing list or alias it was posted to, why you believe this message should have been sent to you (e.g., you are a subscriber, a member, a moderator, etc.). Last of all, provide any information you have about the message such as the date and time it was sent, the timezone and the subject.

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Figure 35.1. Flowchart for Why Didn't Bob Get this Email?

Numbers in the flowchart correspond to
	    numbered steps in the instructions.
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Instructions for Administrators

Collect the following information (or as much of it as possible):

  • A copy of the message (at minimum: the date, time, timezone and contents of the Subject line).

  • The individual's full name and username.

  • The individual's primary email address and the email address where the individual expected to receive this email, if different from the primary address.

  • Any other hard facts or speculations from the original support request, such as whether the message was posted to a mailing list or alias, why the reporter thinks Bob should have got this message, the reasons why someone thinks he didn't, etc.).

Step 1. Was this message successfully delivered to Bob's mail server?

If you are an admin, you can use the Kavi Mailing List Manager Mail Delivery Logs tool and set the Search Time parameter to retrieve the applicable portion of the logs. If you aren't familiar with this tool, click the help icon for more information on interpreting mail logs.



Resolution: The mail logs confirm that this message was sent and successfully delivered to the recipient's mail server. If you like, you can copy and paste the following information into an email to send to this individual.

Message delivery confirmation:

  • Our website's mail logs confirm that this message was sent and successfully delivered to the mail server at your end.

  • You may have received this message without realizing it because it was filtered into the wrong mailbox or folder, or wasn't immediately recognizable from the subject line. Please double check to see whether this message was overlooked.

  • If you are unable to find this message, please contact your ISP or internal technical support and ask them to look into what happened to the message after it was delivered to the mail server. It is likely the message is temporarily delayed in a mail queue, but messages from mailing lists are sometimes misclassified and deleted by spam filters.


Go to Step 2a.

Back to flowchart

Step 2. What kind of message was Bob expecting to receive?

  1. Step 2a. Was this message sent from Kavi Members?



    Go to Step 2b.


    Go to Step 3.

    Back to flowchart

  2. Step 2b. Was this message sent from Kavi Groups?



    Go to Step 2c.


    Go to Step 4.

    Back to flowchart

  3. Step 2c. Is this a message from a mailing list?



    Go to Step 2d.


    Go to Step 5.

    Back to flowchart

  4. Step 2d. Is this a message from an alias?

    If you aren't sure, the List/Alias Name Lookup tool may help.



    S-2d Stop: Contact support.

    Please provide support with the following information:

    • The address where the individual expected this message to have been sent. Please note whether this is the primary address or not.

    • Any other addresses this individual uses (particularly the primary address, if different from the address where they expected to receive the message).

    • This individual's full name and username.

    • The subject line of the message, and the date and approximate time it was sent (or should have been sent).

    • Your location on this chart (Why Didn't Bob Get this Email: S-2d).

    Back to flowchart


    Go to Step 6.

Back to flowchart

Step 3. In Kavi Members, is this person 'active' and opted-in so they should receive Kavi Members email?

To find this information in Kavi Members:

  1. Use the Manage a User tool and search for this individual by the email address where they expected to receive the email. If unable to find them by address, search by their last name or username (or first name).

  2. If uable to locate the individual's email address(es) in the database, verify whether the email address information is correct. Edit if necessary.

  3. Look in the 'Status' field to determine whether this individual is active or inactive. Most Kavi Members email is sent only to active users.

  4. Now look in the 'Preferences' field to see whether this person opted to receive Members email (i.e., the 'Receive Email' option is set to 'Yes'.) If it is set to 'No', only required messages will be sent to this individual.

  5. Results


    Resolution: This person isn't in the Kavi Members database, is 'inactive' or has opted out of receiving Members email, which are all reasons why they may not have been sent this message. You must be familiar with your site's configuration to know for sure how your organization implements rules regarding these settings. If unable to determine the answer, please contact system support.

    Here are explanations for each of these scenarios. You can copy and paste whichever one is appropriate into your response message if you like, being sure to edit any text that doesn't apply to your organization.

    Our research indicates you weren't supposed to receive this email because:

    • You have opted out of receiving Members email.

    • If you would like to receive Members email in the future, you may login and change this setting through the My Account page, or ask an administrator to change it for you.

    Our research indicates you weren't supposed to receive this email because:

    • Your application is pending moderation.

    • When your application is approved by a moderator, you should begin to receive regular Members email.

    Our research indicates you weren't supposed to receive this email because:

    • You are classified as inactive in the Members database.

    • Your membership may need to be renewed before membership privileges can be restored.

    If this person or their company isn't in Kavi Members but has an application pending moderation, administrators may consider expediting the moderation process if all preconditions for approval have been met.


    Go to Step 7.

Back to flowchart

Step 4. Is this a group participant who should have been sent this message?

To find this information in Kavi Groups:

  1. Search for this person in the Usage Explorer tool.

  2. Click on this person's name, then click the Groups link under the page title to view this individual's group participation information, including their Group Role and List Subscription type.

  3. Click the role link in the Group Role field to view the different Group Roles and their associated privileges. If the message concerns a privilege that isn't associated with this person's role, then it is most likely that they shouldn't have been sent this message. Click the group name in the Group column to view the group home page, which provides access to all sorts of information about the group, including 'Recent Email Messages'.

  4. From the group home page, you may click the Roster link to view the Groups roster and see if this individual is flagged as having opted out of receiving group email.

  5. Results


    Resolution: This person isn't supposed to receive this message because it was sent to people with a different Group Role type, or because they aren't in the Kavi Groups database or aren't subscribed. If you like, you can copy and paste the applicable option into your response message.

    Our research indicates you weren't supposed to receive this email because:

    • You are not currently a member of this group.

    • If you are eligible to join this group, you may login and sign up through the My Workgroups page, or ask an administrator to add you.

    Our research indicates you weren't supposed to receive this email because:

    • You aren't subscribed to this group's mailing list.

    • If you would like to receive list messages in the future, you can login and subscribe through the My Accounts page, or ask an administrator to add the subscription for you.

    Our research indicates you weren't supposed to receive this email because:

    • This message was sent to people with a different Group Role type.

    • If you believe you should have received this message, contact the group chair, manager or organization administrator.

    If this individual wants to join the group, administrators may use the Add Members toolto add this individual to the group. To add a subscription for this individual, use the Manage a Subscriber's Lists tool.

    The third scenario has different resolutions depending on which circumstances apply. If this individual should be assigned a more privileged role in the group, go to the Manage Existing Groups tool, click the 'Manage Roster' link and reset this person's role. If this message should have been sent to a wider range of people, go to the Manage Existing Groups tool, click the Modify link and reset options for 'Email Notifications' as appropriate.


    S-6 Stop: Contact support.

Back to flowchart

Step 5. Is this address subscribed?

Remember that mailing list software recognizes a subscriber only by email address, so be sure to check the primary and any alternate addresses.

To see if this address is subscribed to a mailing list:

  1. Select the subscriber from the pulldown list in the Kavi Mailing List Manager Manage a Subscriber's Lists tool.

  2. Results


    Resolution: This address isn't subscribed. Assuming this individual is eligible to subscribe, an administrator can add a subscription or the individual can log in and subscribe themselves through the My Account page. If you like, you can copy and paste the following information into your response message.

    Our research indicates you weren't supposed to receive this email because:

    • You aren't subscribed under the address you provided.

    • If you are eligible to subscribe, you may login and sign up through the My Account page, or ask an administrator to add you.

    To subscribe this individual, administrators can use the Manage a Subscriber's Lists tool.


    S-6 Stop: Contact support.

Back to flowchart

Step 6. Is this address on this alias?

Finding information on aliases:

  1. To check whether this message was sent from an alias or mailing list, use the List/Alias Name Lookup tool.

  2. Click the link to a modify or edit tool to manage subscribers.



Resolution: If it was entered incorrectly, correct the address. If it isn't on the alias and should be, you may add it.


S-6 Stop: Contact support.

Please provide support with the following information:

  • The address where the individual expected this message to have been sent. Please note whether this is the primary address or not.

  • Any other addresses this individual uses, particularly the primary address, if different from the address above.

  • This individual's full name and username.

  • A copy of the message, if available. If not, please provide the subject line of the message, the date and approximate time it was sent (or should have been sent).

  • Your location on this chart (S-6).

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Step 7. Is this a digest subscription?

If this is a Kavi Mailing List mailing list, use the Manage a Subscriber's Lists tool to determine whether this individual is subscribed as Digest subscriber. If so, they won't receive the message until the next digest is generated.



Resolution: You may copy and paste this information into your response if you like.

You are subscribed to this list as a digest subscriber.

  • You should receive this message in the next digest.

  • If you don't wish to wait and this list has archives, you may read the message in the list archives (with the understanding that archives aren't necessarily updated immediately).

  • If you would like to change your subscription from a Digest to a Regular subscription, you may log in and do so or ask an administrator to do it for you.


Resolution: This person isn't in the Kavi Members database, is 'inactive' or has opted out of receiving Members email, which are all reasons why they may not have been sent this message. You must be familiar with your site's configuration to know for sure how your organization implements rules regarding these settings. If unable to determine the answer, please contact system support.S-6 Stop: Contact support.


  • If this person or their company isn't in Kavi Members but has an application pending moderation, administrators may consider expediting the moderation process if all other preconditions for membership have been met.

  • If this person is inactive, their membership may need to be renewed before their membership privileges can be restored.

  • If this person is listed as 'active' in the database but has opted out of receiving email, they may login and change this option on the My Account page or an administrator can do it for them so they can receive messages in the future.

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