Kavi Mailing List Manager Help

Chapter 21. Mailing List Use Cases and Sample Configurations


Here the default List Types are matched with some of the most common use cases and brief discussions of mailing list configurations that are generally compatible. These discussions should be relevant to custom List Types that share the same posting process, and subscription and archive access settings. Following the standard configurations there are a couple of more detailed use cases and sample configurations.

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Standard Mailing List Configurations

Table 21.1. Standard configuration for Announcements

Announce Only
Audience Announcements are usually distributed to a select set of subscribers, as opposed to newsletters that may be aimed at the general public. For example, Kavi® Members uses the Announce Only list type as the basis for the default 'members' list, which is usually distributed to every member of the organization. This type of list is a good fit for announcements that the organization is required to distribute to specific kinds of stakeholders or for small, exclusive announcements lists. Subscriptions may be mandatory for certain list users if the list distributes announcements that are required by organization bylaws, policies, ANSI-compliant processes, etc. Kavi Members uses the Announce Only list type as the basis for the default 'members' list.
Purpose One-way distribution of approved content to a restricted audience.
Subscription Via Email This is a private List Type, so users can't subscribe via email and all subscriptions must be added through webpages.
Subscription Via Webtools If the organization wants any account holder to be able to subscribe, the 'Web Availability' option would be set to 'Account Holders'. If not, this option would be set to 'Subscribers Only' unless the mailing list was mandatory. Under this setting, all subscriptions have to be added by an administrator, making this an "invitation-only" list, but subscribers can unsubscribe at will. If the list is mandatory, the 'Web Availability' option is set to 'Administrators only', so that administrators have to add and remove all subscriptions.
Posting This List Type uses the most restrictive setting: all posts are moderated, only moderators can post. On this kind of list, all posts come from a pool of designated moderators so that the quality and content of information distributed through the mailing list can be tightly controlled.
Raw Archives This List Type is configured to reject ezmlm email archive retrieval commands, so the raw archives are not available to list users.
Web Archive Visibility If all account holders are eligible to subscribe, this option can be set to 'Account Holders Only' to give non-subscribing account holders the opportunity to view list content. If information published through the list should only be available to subscribers, set this option to 'List Subscribers'.

Table 21.2. Standard configuration for Closed Private Discussions

Closed Private Discussion
Audience This kind of list serves a private discussion group, so it excludes the general public by definition. This group may be so private that links to it are hidden from anyone who is not a subscriber, or it may be open to any account holder. Since posting isn't moderated, any subscriber-level list user can post directly to the list, so it works best for smaller groups.
Purpose Small, private discussion forums.
Subscription Via Email This is a private List Type, so users can't subscribe via email and all subscriptions must be added through webpages.
Subscription Via Webtools To keep the number of subscribers small, the 'Web Availability' option is usually set to 'Subscribers Only' so that all subscriptions have to be added by an administrator, making this an "invitation-only" list. Subscribers visiting Mailing List Home will see the link to unsubscribe, and can also change back and forth between a regular and a digest subscription. If the list is mandatory, the 'Web Availability' option is set to 'Administrators Only', and administrators will have to add and remove all subscriptions. If the organization is fairly small it may want any account holder to be able to subscribe this option can be set to 'Account Holders', but this is more common for moderated discussions. The 'Administrators Only' setting can also be used if the organization has multiple administrators who want to exchange information through a mailing list.
Posting Subscriber-level list users (i.e., subscribers on the Regular, Digest, Posters and Allow Subscriber Lists) can post directly, while posts from others are rejected outright. Because posts aren't moderated, there are usually only a small number of subscribers on the Allow List, if any.
Raw Archive Access Since this List Type is private, it only accepts ezmlm email archive retrieval commands from subscribers (i.e., subscribers on the Regular or Digest Subscriber Lists).
Web Archive Visibility If list content should be kept private from everyone outside the circle of subscribers, this is set to 'List Subscribers'. If Web Availability is set to 'Account Holders' or the organization wants to keep the number of discussion participants low but would like the content to be visible to all account holders, this value can be set to 'Account Holders Only' so that non-subscribing members can view list content through the Web archives. If this is an administrator list, this can be set to 'Administrators Only'.

Table 21.3. Standard configuration for Moderated Private Discussions

Moderated Private Discussion
Audience The difference between a moderated private discussion and a closed private discussion is that the moderated private discussion accepts public posts but moderates rather than rejects them, so this List Type is used for private mailing lists that don't allow the public to subscribe via ezmlm email commands but want to allow non-subscribers to submit posts. Subscriber posts aren't moderated, so most of the content distributed through the list isn't subject to moderator approval.
Purpose Private discussion forum that selectively accepts messages from non-subscribers.
Subscription Via Email This is a private List Type, so users can't subscribe via ezmlm email commands and all subscriptions must be added through webtools.
Subscription Via Webtools To keep the list private, the Web Availability option is often set to 'Subscribers Only' so that all subscriptions have to be added by an administrator, making this an "invitation-only" list. Subscribers visiting Mailing List Home will see the link to unsubscribe, and can also change back and forth between a regular and a digest subscription. If the organization is fairly small and wants any account holder to be able to subscribe directly, this option can be set to 'Account Holders'. This is more common for lists that moderate subscriber posts, such as those based on the 'Moderated Subscriber-Only Discussion' List Type.
Posting Subscriber-level list users (i.e., subscribers on the Regular, Digest, Posters and Allow Subscriber Lists) can post directly, while posts from non-subscribers are sent for moderation. Non-subscribers who need to be able to post regularly can be added to the Allow List to save moderators some work. This List Type is configured so that anyone can submit posts for moderator approval, but in practice, most of the posts that are approved will be from senders who are known and trusted by list moderators.
Raw Archives This List Type doesn't accept ezmlm email archive retrieval commands.
Web Archive Visibility Since this is a private discussion forum, this option is usually set to 'List Subscribers'. If Web Availability is set to 'Account Holders', Web Archive Visibility should also be set to 'Account Holders'.

Table 21.4. Standard configuration for Moderated Public Discussions

Moderated Public Discussion
Audience A forum for the public, members and designated organization representatives to discuss organization projects and related topics. A public forum provides an avenue for public input and involvement in the organization.
Purpose Controlled public discussion forum.
Subscription Via Email This is a public List Type, so it accepts ezmlm email subscription commands.
Subscription Via Webtools Since this is a public list, the 'Web Availability' option is usually set to 'Account Holders' so any account holder can subscribe via webtools. It can also be set to 'Public', but this requires customization to implement.
Posting Everyone can submit messages for posting but all messages are routed to the moderation queue for moderator approval. Because lists of this type are so open, a large number of posts may be sent to the moderation queue. If the volume of moderation requests is large enough, moderators may not be able to review all the submissions and may have to resort to a "cherry-picking" strategy, approving messages from senders they recognize, reviewing messages whose subject lines pique their interest and allowing the bulk of the messages to time out in the moderation queue. Alternatively, these kinds of lists may have a number of moderators. Since mailing list posts can be moderated by ezmlm email commands as well as through webtools, volunteer moderators can be added to the Moderator Subscriber List to fulfill these responsibilities without any need to provide them with administrative access to the website.
Raw Archives This List Type accepts ezmlm email archive retrieval commands from subscribers. Since anyone can subscribe via email, the raw archives are basically accessible to anyone.
Web Archive Visibility Because the raw archives are publicly retrievable, there is no point in restricting access to the Web archives. This option may be set to 'Account Holders' to encourage public list users to join the organization. It may also be set to 'Public', but this requires customization. If a list has no need for Web archives, they may be disabled.

Table 21.5. Standard configuration for Moderated Subscriber-Only Discussions

Moderated Subscriber-Only Discussion
Audience The 'Moderated Subscriber-Only Discussion' List Type is similar to the 'Closed Private Discussion' List Type because it rejects public posts outright. The difference is that subscriber messages are moderated, so the 'Moderated Subscriber-Only Discussion' provides a lot of control over list content. This makes it suitable for lists with large numbers of subscribers, as well as smaller lists.
Purpose Controlled private discussion forum.
Subscription Via Email This is a private List Type, so users can't subscribe via email and all subscriptions must be added through webpages.
Subscription Via Webtools Because this List Type is suitable for large lists, the Web Availability option can be set to 'Account Holders'. If it needs to be more private, set this option to 'Subscribers Only' to have subscriptions added by an administrator. Subscribers visiting Mailing List Home will see the link to unsubscribe, and can also change back and forth between a regular and a digest subscription.
Posting This List Type rejects posts from public senders and sends subscriber posts to moderators for approval.
Raw archives This List Type doesn't accept ezmlm email archive retrieval commands.
Web Archive Visibility If Web Availability is set to 'Account Holders', Web Archive Visibility should also be set to 'Account Holders'. If the list is more private, set this option to 'List Subscribers'.

Table 21.6. Standard configuration for Newsletters

Audience Newsletters are designed to be public, but an organization may sponsor multiple newsletters to serve different interest categories.
Purpose One-way distribution of content to a mixed audience that includes the public as well as organization members.
Subscription Via Email This List Type accepts ezmlm email subscription commands, so anyone can subscribe directly via email.
Subscription Via Webtools Since this is a public list, the Web Availability option is usually set to 'Account Holders' so any account holder can subscribe via webtools. It can also be set to 'Public', but this requires customization to implement.
Posting This List Type uses the most restrictive setting: all posts are moderated, only moderators can post. On this kind of list, all posts come from a pool of designated moderators so that the quality and content of information distributed through the mailing list is tightly controlled.
Raw Archives This List Type accepts ezmlm email archive retrieval commands from subscribers. Since anyone can subscribe via email, the raw archives are basically accessible to anyone.
Web Archive Visibility Since this is a public List Type, this option is usually set to 'Account Holder', but can be set to 'Public', although customization is required to make archives available on Public pages.

Table 21.7. Standard Configuration for Public Discussions

Public Discussion
Audience Everyone associated with an organization, including interested members of the general public.
Purpose Wide-open public discussion forum.
Subscription Via Email This is a public List Type, so it accepts ezmlm email subscription commands.
Subscription Via Webtools Since this is a public list, the 'Web Availability' option is usually set to 'Account Holders' so any account holder can subscribe via webtools. It can also be set to 'Public', but this requires customization to implement.
Posting Everyone is allowed to post directly. Lists of this type will include some spam, since spam filters aren't infallible.
Raw Archives This List Type accepts ezmlm email archive retrieval commands from subscribers. Since anyone can subscribe via email, the raw archives are basically accessible to anyone.
Web Archive Visibility Because the raw archives are publicly retrievable, there is no point in restricting access to the Web archives. This option may be set to 'Account Holders' to encourage public list users to join the organization. It may also be set to 'Public', but this requires customization. If a list has no need for Web archives, they may be disabled.
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Organization-Wide Moderated List

A mailing list that allows all account holders to subscribe, and all subscribers to post can function as an unofficial newsletter or billboard. If the organization is large, the number of posts could get out-of-hand unless posts are moderated.


The Moderated Subscriber-Only Discussion default List Type is the best choice for large private discussion lists like this one. Because the list is meant to serve everyone who belongs to the organization, Web Availability and Web Archive Visibility is set to 'Account Holder'. The Policy and Usage statement invites everyone to post news that is of general interest to the organization but notes that messages can only include small graphics, that attachments and solicitations are unwelcome, and all messages are subject to moderator approval. To keep the mailing list light weight, the maximum message size could be set to 1 MB.

Public Participation

The public cannot subscribe via ezmlm email commands and public posts are rejected, so there is minimal public contribution to this list, but exceptions may be made for people who are closely allied with the organization. For example, someone outside the organization who regularly publishes announcements that are of interest to the organization might be added to the Allow list by administrators.

Since this list is moderated and has so many subscribers, it isn't used to distribute any sensitive content, so administrators might also add some public subscribers to the Regular or Digest Subscriber Lists. These subscribers might be key contacts in related organizations, trusted news or public relations people, etc.

Subscribers and Other Organization Participants

Every account holder can subscribe and once subscribed, can submit messages for moderation. Subscribers who abuse their posting privileges can be added to the Deny Subscriber List so that future posts are automatically rejected.

People within the organization who don't want to subscribe but need to be able to post can be added to the Allow Subscriber List. It would be good to give all existing groups cross-poster privileges for this mailing list, since cross-poster submissions are still subject to moderator approval.

Moderator Participation

As noted in the Concepts documents on moderation, mailing lists can have two kinds of moderators. The Organization Admin can moderate a mailing list through webtools and ezmlm email moderation commands, whereas moderators who are not website administrators can moderate a mailing list through ezmlm email commands. Since this list is likely to receive a large number of submissions, it would be best to have several moderators besides the Organization Admin. These moderators could handle most of the moderation tasks but would need the Organization Admin to add or remove subscribers from the Allow and Deny Subscriber Lists. Moderators can approve their own submissions, so anyone who has reason to post regularly to this mailing list would be a good choice for moderator.

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List for Publishing Information to the Board of Directors

A mailing list designed to serve the board of directors is going to have a small number of subscribers and tight control over the posting process. The board of directors has its own Kavi® Groups list, so this mailing list supplements the discussion list where the board conducts its business, and is used to funnel information from the rest of the organization into the board. This information is likely to consist of reports and announcements that specific people are responsible for providing to the board.


The Announce Only default List Type is designed to distribute formal announcements from a small number of posters. The list is mandatory for all board members, so Web Availability is set to 'Administrator Only'. Board members do need to be able to see the archives, though so Web Archive Visibility is set to 'List Subscriber'. Because there are a small number of subscribers and the list may be used to distribute large documents, the maximum message size could be set to 50 MB if desired.

Public and General Organization Participation

Mailing lists based on the 'Announce Only' List Type only accept messages from moderators, so there is no way to accept input from the inside or outside the organization who has not been designated as a moderator. If information from outside the organization or general organization membership needs to be funneled to the board, it's more likely to go through a member-moderator or administrator-moderator.

Board Member Participation

Board members may be passive recipients of this information, on the list as regular subscribers rather than moderators. Board members who want to post a message can simply send the message to a moderator who can forward it to the mailing list.

Moderator Participation

On mailing lists where only moderators can post, the moderators are the posters, and anyone who needs to post to this list regularly must be added as a moderator. Unlike mailing lists where a moderator's primary duty is to moderate messages submitted by others, there may be as many moderators on this kind of list as there are subscribers.

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Newsletter with Closed Archives

This example extends the use of a newsletter that is designed to encourage subscribers to join the organization. The organization makes it easy for the public to subscribe but restricts archive access so that the archives are an enticement to join.


This mailing list uses a customized clone of the Newsletter default List Type that has been edited so that ezmlm email archive retrieval commands will be rejected. Anyone can subscribe via ezmlm email subscription commands, and a link that pops up an email client window is available in the Public Area of the website, but Web Archive Visibility is set to 'Account Holder', so you have to be able to login to view the Web archives. The Policy and Usage statement invites everyone to join the organization. The trailer text may be edited so that each list message reiterates this policy.

Public and General Organization Participation

Anyone can subscribe via ezmlm email commands but only moderators can post, so subscribers are passive consumers of information published through this list.

Moderator Participation

Moderators act as posters on this list. The person responsible for creating the newsletter may be the only moderator on this list, or the newsletter may be a team effort with each member of the team subscribed as a moderator.

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