KaviŽ Members Help

Chapter 172. ANSI Interest Category

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The ANSI Interest Category tool is available if the ANSI SDO module is enabled on your website. Use this tool to manage Interest Categories so your organization can track compliance with American National Standards Institute's Essential Requirements. Once Interest Categories are defined, your organization can record user and company Interest Categories in Kavi Members, and use Interest Category information in KaviŽ Groups rosters, Participation Reports and balloting. Interest Categories can be assigned automatically by default, or an Organization Admin can assign Interest Categories. This tool also provides options that the organization may enable if it wants to allow users to select an Interest Category for themselves or their companies.

Interest Category Assignment in Kavi Members

A company may be assigned an Interest Category by an Organization Admin or may be assigned default Interest Category automatically on signup. Your organization may also enable options that the Company Representative can use to override this Interest Category on the Company Representative Signup form and/or Edit Your Account page.

In a company-based organization, a Company Representative automatically inherits the Interest Category assigned to their company, but the organization may enable options that the Company Representative can use to select a different Interest Category on the Company Representative Signup form and/or Edit Your Account page. These options can also be enabled in individual-based or mixed organization to allow Individual Members to select their own Interest Categories.

Interest Category Assignment in Kavi Groups

If Interest Categories are enabled in Kavi Groups Global Environmental Settings, Interest Categores will be displayed in the group roster, in participation reports and balloting tools. Some organizations allow the Roster Admin to reset a user's Interest Category at the group level (this option is also enabled in Kavi Groups). If a Roster Admin selects a different Interest Category for a user, the new Interest Category applies to that group only.

Use the ANSI Interest Category tool to:

View and manage Interest Categories and availability settings.

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This page displays the interest categories and settings currently in use in your organization. To add or edit any of these options, set the option as desired then click the Save button at the end of the form.

Interest Categories

An ordered list of the interest categories in use in your organization.

Option Number

The order of these options determines the order in which the interest categories are displayed in Kavi Members and Kavi Groups pages.


The name of the interest category.


This option is used to select the default Interest Category (e.g., 'Undeclared') that is to be assigned when a company is added if no other Interest Category is selected.

Interest Category Options for Users

These options determine the circumstances under which users can select their own Interest Category. If your organization offers memberships to individuals, individuals can always select their own Interest Categories, so these options just determine where these users can access and edit this information. If your organization offers memberships to companies, these options determine whether Company Representatives are allowed to select a different Interest Category from the one assigned to their company, and if so, which Kavi Members tools support this.

Can Company Representatives set their Interest Category independently from company?

If this is set to 'No', then Company Representatives inherit the Interest Category of the company to which they belong and cannot select a different Interest Category. Most company-based organizations use the 'No' setting. Under the 'No' setting, other options in this section only apply to Individual Members and Individual Nonmembers.

If this is set to 'Yes', then Company Representatives can select a different Interest Category from the one assigned to their company. Other options in this section determine where the Company Representative can go to edit their assigned Interest Category in Kavi Members.

On 'Company Representative Sign Up' and 'Individual Membership Application' Pages

This option can be set to 'Editable' or 'Not Displayed'. If this is 'Editable', then an Individual member will see this option on the membership application. If Company Representatives are allowed to select an Interest Category independently of their company's Interest Category, a Company Representative will see an option to select an Interest Category on the signup form.

If this is set to 'Not Displayed', users won't see an option to select their own Interest Category on application or signup forms. In this case, a default Interest Category will be assigned automatically to an individual, while a Company Representative will be assigned their company's Interest Category.

On 'Edit Your Account' Page

This option can be set to 'Editable' or 'Not Displayed'. If this is 'Editable', then an individual (i.e. a user whose Purpose is 'Individual Member' or 'Individual Nonmember') sees an option to select their Interest Category on Edit My Account. If Company Representatives are allowed to select an Interest Category independently of their company's Interest Category, a Company Representative sees an option to select an Interest Category on this page.

If this is set to 'Not Displayed', users won't be able to use Edit Your Account to select a different Interest Category.

Interest Category Options for Companies

These options determine the circumstances under which company administrators, such as the company's Primary Contact, can set their company's Interest Category through Kavi Members tools. If both options are disabled, only the Organization Admin can set Interest Categories.

On 'Company Membership Application' Page

This option can be set to 'Editable' or 'Not Displayed'. If this is 'Editable', then a company administrator will see this option on the Company Membership Application.

If this is set to 'Not Displayed', company administrators won't see an option to select their company's Interest Category on the Company Membership Application and the default Interest Category will be assigned automatically. If an Organization Admin adds a company manually, the Organization Admin can select a different Interest Category.

On 'Edit Your Company's Account' Page

This option can be set to 'Editable' or 'Not Displayed'. If this is 'Editable', then a company administrator (i.e., a user with the company_admin role) sees an option to select their company's Interest Category on the Edit Your Company's Account page.

If this is set to 'Not Displayed', company administrators won't be able to use the Edit Your Company's Account to select a different Interest Category.

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