Kavi® Members Help

Chapter 59. Configure Company Directory


Company directories can be configured to use only the fields that are most important to your users. Each of the three main company directory pages can be tailored for this installation.

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How to Configure a Company Directory

Configure Fields

Select which fields will be available when clicking 'More search options for companies' link on the landing page, which fields are in data downloaded from the directory, and which fields are shown on the full details page for a selected company.

Not all fields can be included in searches and downloads. Fields not allowed for searches include computed fields and date fields. Fields not allowed in downloads include the computed Address field and related user fields.

These following computed fields combine several separate fields into a single field display for use in lists and on the full details page.

Computed Fields

  • Address: combines Street, City, State Province, Country, and Postal Code into a single field.

  • User Full Name: combines User Salutation, User First Name, User Middle Name, and User Last Name.

  • User Address: combines User Street, User City, User State Province, User Country, and User Postal Code into a single field.

Configure Company List

Type in a column heading then select up to three fields to appear in that column for each company. This form represents a single row in the company list, with each configured field appearing for every company in the list. Users will be able to easily print this page, so choose fields that will be the most beneficial when printed out for later reference. Columns without any selected fields will be ommitted from the search results, even if there is a column heading.

Configure Full Details

Order the displayed fields and insert separators (i.e., headings) to label and group sets of fields. Clicking 'Reorder Fields' will allow you to preview and refine the order. Click 'Reorder Fields and Save' when you are satisfied and want to save the new field order.

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