KaviŽ Members Help

Appendix D. Predefined Membership Data Fields

Table of Contents

How to Read this Table

How to Read this Table

Kavi Members tracks your organization's company, user and membership information. Data is added to the Kavi Members database through signup and membership application forms, Admin Tools or through the Upload Data tool in the Super Admin Area. Kavi Members database includes an extensive set of predefined data fields. Membership data fields are only present in the Kavi Members database if the membership feature is enabled for your website.

Company members and individual members may hold many memberships throughout their association with the organization. Membership information is stored in a separate table, but retrieved or uploaded only in association with the owner of the membership (i.e., the company or individual who has acquired that membership).

Field variables displayed in this table are used in the Upload Data tool. Slightly different versions of these variables may be used for column headings in reports and email template variables. In the data reports these field names are prepended by 'membership_' to distinguish them from similarly named company or user fields.

This table doesn't include information about whether data fields are required because membership fields are set automatically as memberships pass through the workflow. This includes memberships added through the Upload Data tool, which go through the normal membership workflow after being uploaded.

There are three fields used to add new memberships through the Upload Data tool, but they are used only in data files to collect information that is then added to corresponding fields in the database.

Fields Required by the Upload Data Tool


Your organization is likely to use custom fields that aren't documented in the help.

Table D.1. Membership Data Fields




Activation Date


The date on which the membership became current (in YYYY/MM/DD format).



The price of the membership. This field will appear in downloads only if KaviŽ Billing is installed.

Archived Date


If the membership expired and was archived, this shows the date the membership was archived (in YYYY/MM/DD format).

Bill ID


This is a human-readable identifier created automatically when a new bill is generated. The bill ID is useful when searching Kavi Billing for specific membership bills. This field will appear in downloads only if KaviŽ Billing is installed.

Bill State


Indicates the payment status of the bill issued for this membership, e.g., paid, refunded, etc. This field will appear in downloads only if KaviŽ Billing is installed.



This field is used in conjunction with the Renewal Intention, which records the membership owner's intention to renew, if known. The comment field stores comments entered by administrators to provide additional information on the member's renewal intentions.

Creation Date


The date the membership was first added to the database (in YYYY/MM/DD format). This isn't necessarily the same as the start date, since memberships are usually renewed before the start date. This is also true of new (i.e., first time) memberships, which remain in an inactive, pending state until they pass billing and moderation steps. Preexisting memberships will have an earlier start date than creation date.

End Date


The end date of the membership term on which the membership is set to expire (in YYYY/MM/DD format).

Expiration Date


The date on which the membership expired (in YYYY/MM/DD format).

Last Modified


The last date and time this membership's information changed (in YYYY/MM/DD format). All database records in Kavi Members have a last modified date.

Membership Renewal Intention


Administrators set the Renewal Intention when editing memberships. Allowed values are: 'undeclared', 'intending to renew' or 'not intending to renew'. This information is used to calculate the value of the Membership Renewal Info field, which is available through downloaded reports or the $m_renewal_info email template variable. This field is empty if the membership renewal intention is undeclared, 'intending to renew' or 'not intending to renew' if the member intention is known but the membership has not yet been renewed, or 'renewed' if the membership has been renewed. This field is particularly useful when setting up automated renewal reminders. For example, email could be sent to all members with expiring memberships except for those who have indicated they are 'not intending to renew'.

Membership Type


The Membership Type (e.g., Board or Adopter) of this membership.


The the membership entered the moderation queue (in YYYY/MM/DD format). All database records in Kavi Members have a last modified date.
[moderated_date] The date on which the application for this membership was moderated and approved (in YYYY/MM/DD format). Memberships that are rejected during the moderation step are immediately deleted from the database.
[person_key or company_key] The unique ID for the membership owner. This is the item key for the individual member or member company from the user or company database. If you are trying to merge user or company membership data with user or company contact information, sort by this key to match memberships with member information.
[pending_person_key or pending_company_key] Before a first-time member has a current membership, they are stored in tables for pending members. This is the unique item key for the user or company in the pending user or pending company table.

Renewed From


If this is a renewed membership, this is the membership type of the previous membership.

Renewed With


If this membership has been renewed, this is the membership type selected during the renewal process.
[renewed_on] The date on which this membership was renewed (in YYYY/MM/DD format). It records the date that the renewal process was initiated and is stored in the record for the expiring membership, as opposed to the start date of the new membership which is stored in the record for the new membership.



Valid values are 'New' or 'Renewal'. The 'Source' field shows whether this is a first-time membership (i.e., 'New') or a renewed membership (i.e., 'Renewal').

Start Date


The date on which the membership becomes current (in YYYY/MM/DD format).

A membership passes through several states in the workflow. Depending on configuration, a membership may pass automatically through the pending states and become current immediately. Unless the membership has a lifetime duration, it eventually expires and is archived. For more information, see the Membership Workflow Diagram.

Membership Workflow States

Pending Bill Payment

A membership application will be in this pending state because the membership fee has not yet been paid. This only applies to fee-based membership types on sites where KaviŽ Billing is installed.

Pending Moderation

A membership application will be in this pending state because it is awaiting moderation. This only applies to moderated membership types.

Pending Start Date

A membership application will be in this pending state because it is awaiting its start date.

Pending Prerequisites

A membership application will be in this pending state because prerequisite conditions have not all been met. This only applies to membership types with prerequisites, such as legal forms that must be filed with the organization before the membership can be approved.


A membership in the current state is in effect at this time. See the 'Term' field if you wish to know the start or expiration dates for this membership.


Unless this is a lifetime membership, it expires when the membership term ends. When it expires, it may be archived immediately (move to the 'Archived' state immediately), or there may be a grace period in which it remains in the 'Expired' state, depending on configuration. .


Once a membership has expired and been renewed (in which case it is archived immediately as the new membership becomes current), or it hasn't been renewed and any grace period has elapsed, the membership is archived. As the membership enters the 'Archived' state, Kavi Members automatically removes any types assigned through membership, thereby revoking roles that grant web site access privileges. If the member hasn't renewed and doesn't have a current membership, the member may be deactivated, or may remain active indefinitely, depending on configuration. If the member remains active,



The membership term is the data range within which a membership is current. It is generally displayed as a Start Date and Expiration Date (in YYYY/MM/DD format), but the Expiration date for lifetime memberships can be 'Lifetime'.
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