KaviŪ Members Help

Chapter 42. Membership Renewal Form


The Membership Renewal form allows members to select a membership, renew it and view further instructions.

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How to Renew Your Membership

The renewal link in your email will take you to a membership renewal form.

Membership Renewal

Select Membership

On the Select Membership page, the list of memberships that are available will be displayed. You will be able to renew only those memberships for which you are eligible. Select a membership to renew and click Next. You will be able to select only one membership.

Renew a Membership

On the Renew a Membership page, a list of all the memberships that can be added along with the selected membership will be displayed. Select the required memberships and click Next.

Membership Status

After filling the membership application form, you may be asked to pay a membership fee. After entering the payment information, you can go to the status page. If the membership is pending moderation or is current, you will be taken directly to the status page.


You can use the renewal link only once and within a certain time period.

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