Preview a Ballot

This page allows you to preview a ballot before you create it. Once you create a ballot, the original ballot text cannot be changed. However, you can modify the text or delete the ballot (ballots can only be deleted by Group Administrators). Note: You must have Ballot Manage privileges to preview a new ballot.

To preview a new ballot:

  1. From All Groups, click the name of the group for which you want to create a new ballot. This takes you to the home page for that group.
  2. Click the Ballots tab. This takes you to the Group Ballots page for that group. (You can also click Add next to the Recent Ballots heading to go directly to the Add a New Ballot page.)
  3. Click Add a New Ballot. This takes you to the Add Ballot page.
  4. After completing the Add Ballot form, click Continue.
  5. Review the ballot text and information.
  6. Click Back to make changes or Accept to add the new ballot.

If you click Accept, you go to the Add Ballot - Success page. From here you can add another ballot, see all ballots for this group, or go to the group home. The new ballot does not become visible until it opens. It then appears in the Open Ballots section of the group ballots page, in chronological order by close date. Click the Vote Status Icon to the left of the ballot name or the ballot name itself to see the Ballot Details for the new ballot.

Ballot Sections

Ballot - This information appears on the Ballot Details and Ballot Vote pages:

Eligible voters - Group members allowed to vote on this ballot.  If you selected eligibility based on meeting attendance, you will be able to add or remove voters using this form.  The form pre-selects those voters who meet the specified eligibility criteria (for example, attendance at three of the last four meetings).  Otherwise, this is a list of eligible voters based on the criteria you specified when creating the ballot.

Note: The list of eligible voters is created once the ballot is added. If you select "Voting members only" and a group member's role is modified while a ballot is open so that he/she is now a voting member, that member does not become immediately eligible to vote on that ballot, but they can be added to the list of eligible voters by a ballot manager. If you select "Voting members only" and a group member's voting eligibility is revoked while a ballot is open and he/she has already cast his/her vote, that vote is retained. Note: A group member's voting eligibility is assigned by the group Chair or other group member with Roster Manage privileges. See Change Group Member Role for more information.

Ballot Info - Details viewable only by members with Ballot Manage privileges.

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