
Items created within a group can be shared with the General Membership, the General Public, other groups, or not at all. Shared items can be accessed by those with whom they are shared, and can appear in a variety of areas. Sharing options for each group are defined when the group is first created, and can later be modified by the group administrator. Each group decides which items it can share: Documents, Calendar Events, Ballot Results, Email Archives, and Links to the group on the All Groups and My Groups page. The group also decides with whom it shares items: the General Members, the General Public, one or many individual groups, or no one. When an item that can be shared is added, the submitter chooses with whom to share it from this list.


Each group also determines how an item is shared.  The group may choose to let every person on the roster share the items they create, or restrict sharing to those with management privileges in their group role.


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