Associate a Document and/or Comment With Your Vote

Use this form to associate a document and/or comment with your vote.

To associate a document and/or comment with your vote:

  1. From All groups, click the name of the group for whose ballot you want to cast a vote. This takes you to the home page for that group.

Note: You must be a member of a group to vote on its ballots.

  1. Click the Ballots tab. This takes you to the Ballots page.
  2. Select to vote for a ballot by clicking on the ballot name of your choice. This takes you to the Ballot Details page.
  3. After reviewing the ballot text and amendment(s), if any, make your selection(s) by clicking the radio button(s) next to the option(s) for which you want to vote.
  4. To associate a document and/or comment with your vote, click to expand the Associate a document and/or comment with my vote section. Do one or both of the following:
    • For Additional Comment, enter the text of your comment. No HTML is allowed.
    • For Reference Document, select an existing or upload a new document to associate with your vote.
      • To select an existing document: In the Select Existing Document section, the top drop-down list contains all group documents uploaded within the last month. Select one by clicking its name. To update the list using another time frame (for example, documents uploaded within the last one week, two weeks, and so on), select the desired time frame from the bottom drop-down list and click Update List. The top drop-down list is updated; select a document by clicking its name.
      • To upload a new document: In the Upload a New Document section, enter the name of the document you want to upload or click Browse to search for it. Select the folder into which the document will be uploaded from the drop-down list.
  5. To view the voting results to date, click to expand the View Voting Results section. Click to close this section.
  6. When you are finished, review the form to make sure your vote is selected correctly, then click Vote to cast your vote.

Note: While associating a document and/or comment is not required, you must select an option to vote. If you click Vote and you have not selected an option, an error dialog appears, stating that your vote was not recorded. Click OK to return to your ballot. An error message appears in red at the top of the page, stating that your vote was not recorded and that you must choose an option. Make your selection and click Vote again. The page refreshes and the text "Your vote was recorded. Thank you." appears in blue at the top of the page. Your completed ballot, including selected option(s) and associated document(s)/comment(s) appear, along with the expanded Voting Results. Your vote is added to the tally in the Voting Summary section. If you associated a document and/or comment with your vote, a Details link appears in the Reference Document and/or Comment column across from your Member Company name in the Voting Details section. Click Details to see your vote and associated comment and/or document. Note: If the ballot was configured to allow re-voting, the Vote button is now labeled Change Vote. You may change your vote as many times as you want before the ballot closes.

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