KaviŽ Billing Help

Chapter 1. Kavi Billing's Role in the Accounting Process


KaviŽ Billing is designed to provide online billing and receipts, not as an accounting system. A separate accounting system should be used to track all official accounting information.

Bill payments and refunds need to be recorded both in the accounting system and in Kavi Billing. If bills are processed online by credit card, an administrator will need to then record the receipt of funds in the accounting system. If bill payments are processed manually, as with checks or wire transfers, an administrator will need to record the payment in both Kavi Billing and the accounting system.

Figure 1.1. Kavi Billing in the larger accounting process

Diagram showing when an administrator would use Kavi Billing and when they use the accounting system.

To facilitate reconciliation of online bill payment with your accounting system, an separate invoice number can be tracked with each bill. Account holders are asked to enter the invoice number off of an invoice generated by the accounting system when paying a bill online, which an administrator can then cross-reference when reconciling accounts.

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Feature differences between Kavi Billing and accounting systems

Kavi Billing provides a way for you to communicate with your members about their bills and facilitates the collection of fees. Billing does not have accounts receivable or payable modules, and does not keep a running balance of available funds.

Table 1.1. Kavi Billing and Accounting System Features

Feature Kavi Billing Accounting Systems
Automation Bills and invoices are created automatically as needed. When bills are paid by credit card, the bill is automatically marked as paid and a receipt is sent. Email reminders to administrators and account holders can automatically go out in relation to a bill's due date. Bill and receipts are generated manually. All payments are manually recorded.
Invoicing Single invoices are generated in real-time Single or batch invoices are printed and sent by mail or email
Totals Each bill has a single total for all fees and services on the bill. Subtotals may be listed in the bill description, but they are not automatically added to create the bill total. Line item subtotals and other amounts are calculated to create the invoice total
Aging Bills are marked overdue when the due date is past Aging is continually calculated on invoices and typically flagged at 30 days, 60 days, etc.
Receipts Online receipts available once a bill is paid Single or batch receipts are printed and sent by mail or email
Reports Billing data is available for download in 3 standard formats Robust reports show available funds, accounts receivable and payable
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