KaviŽ Billing Help

Chapter 2. Billing Statuses


After a bill is added, it moves through a progression of steps during the payment process. The 'Bill Status' field on each bill show statuses that reveal where the document is in the payment process. A bill can have multiple statuses at the same time, depending on what has happened to it.

Figure 2.1. Billing Statuses

Diagram of the billing statuses indicating how they may overlap.
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Bill Status Descriptions

A bill can go through multiple statuses in its life cycle. The status are listed below in roughly the order that a bill will typically travel through them.

Regular Billing Life cycle Statuses


A bill is marked as 'New' when it is first added. A new bill can also be 'Awaiting Gateway', 'Failed Gateway', 'Overdue', and 'In Dispute'.

A 'New' bill can move to these statuses:

  • Pending: if the user paying the bill selects a manual payment method

  • Paid: if the user paying the bill successfully pays by credit card

  • Canceled: if an administrator cancels the bill


A bill is marked as Pending when a user selects a manual payment method. The bill will continue to have a 'Pending' status until the payment is recorded by an administrator or an automatic payment method is selected.

A 'Pending' bill can move to these statuses:

  • Paid: if an administrator records receipt of the payment in Kavi Billing

  • Canceled: if an administrator cancels the bill


A bill is marked as 'Paid' once payment is received, either automatically at the successful completion of a credit card transaction or manually by a billing administrator.

A 'Paid' bill can move to these statuses:

  • Refunded: if an administrator returns the full or partial bill amount

  • Canceled: if an administrator cancels the bill


A bill is marked as 'Refunded' if a partial or full amount of the bill has been refunded to the account.

A 'Refunded' bill can move to these statuses:

  • Canceled: if an administrator cancels the bill


Any bill can be canceled. If a bill is new or pending, this will stop any further action on the bill. Canceled bills can't be paid and won't become overdue. If a bill has already been paid, canceling the bill will default to issuing a full refund. If you need to retain a handling fee, you can manually edit the refund amount to reflect this. Refunds issued when cancelling a bill will automatically issue credits for any bills paid by credit card.

Canceled bills remain canceled; they cannot move to another status or be uncanceled.

Statuses Used to Flag a Bill


A bill is marked as 'Overdue' if the bill due date has passed and the payment has not been recorded. Email notices can be scheduled to go out based on a bill's due date using the Schedule Overdue Notices.

In Dispute

If there is a dispute about the bill, it can be marked as In Dispute by a billing administrator. Only unpaid bills can be marked as in dispute. This will prevent the account from receiving overdue notices by email until the dispute has been resolved.

Statuses Indicating KaviŽ Commerce Communication

Awaiting Gateway

This status is assigned when an attempt to charge or credit a credit card is not immediately processed. Once the credit card transaction is complete, this status will be removed.

Failed Gateway

When a credit card transaction fails, either to charge or to credit money to a credit card, the bill will show a status of 'Failed Gateway'. Credit card transactions can fail for many reasons, and can be retried most of the time.

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