Kavi® Billing Help

Chapter 15. Add a Company Account


The Add a Company Account tool is used to add a new billing account for a company in the Kavi® Members database. It is necessary to create an account for a company if you want to issue bills to that company. When you search for existing companies, you will find any companies that do not already have billing accounts with the exception of companies for individuals. Companies for individuals are not members of the organization and accounts cannot be created for them. Only one account will be created per company. Many accounts can be created automatically by other applications when they need to bill the company and can also be automatically created when the company is first added to the Kavi Members database.

Use the Add a Company Account page to:

  • Add a new billing account for a company in the Kavi Members database.

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How to Add a Company Account

Search for a Company

Search for a company or set of companies in the Kavi Members database by setting any or all of the optional fields to refine the search criteria. To view all available company data, leave the search fields set to the defaults. This will only be a list of companies who do not already have billing accounts.


Company Name

To search for a company or set of companies with similar names, enter a partial or full company name. You may enter full or partial text for the company name. For example, entering a name of 'comp' into the search field will match company names of 'Example Company' and 'Computerland' as well as 'Comp'.To reduce the number of potential matches, restrict the search by setting the other search field. To increase the number of potential matches, expand the search by entering partial values for company name, or leave the other search field set to the default value.


Select the status of the company, either active or inactive. An inactive company and its representatives do not have access to the Kavi Billing application and may not be able to access any bills issued to the account.

Select a Company

Select a company from the list of companies available. This will only be a list of companies who do not already have billing accounts and are not companies for individuals. Check the radio buttons to select/deselect the companies. If there is only one company record, it will be preselected. If you do not see the company you are looking for, click 'Back' to try the search again. Entering more details in the search will result in a smaller number of companies from which to select.

Preview Account

The billing account information for the selected company is displayed for your review. Verify that this is the company you want to create the account for, and click Save to create the account or click Back to select another company. Once a company account is created, you can issue bills to that account.

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