Kavi® Billing Help

Chapter 16. Manage an Account


The Manage an Account tool is the fastest way to access all the billing information for a single account. You can see any outstanding balance, issue new bills, and manage existing bills from here. The link to the Activity History is invaluable for trouble-shooting. This history will show you all the actions specific to this account, including when they occurred, who made the change, and what happened.

Use the Manage an Account page to:

  • Access all the billing information for a single account.

  • See the total outstanding balance for an account.

  • Issue new bills for the account.

  • Manage existing bills.

  • View the entire activity history for the account.

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How to Manage an Account

Search for an account

Search for an account or set of accounts in the billing database by setting any or all of the optional fields to refine the search criteria. To view all available account data, leave the search fields set to the defaults.


Account Name

Enter the name of the user or company whose billing account you want to access. To reduce the number of potential matches, restrict the search by setting the other search field. To increase the number of potential matches, expand the search by entering partial values for account name, or leave the other search field set to the default value.

Account Type

Set this value to search for accounts with a specific Account Type, which includes User, Company, Pending User or Pending Company, or leave it at the default setting All Account Types.

Select an Account

From the list of accounts, select an Account to access its billing information. Check the radio buttons to select/deselect the accounts. If there is only one account record, it will be preselected. If you do not see the account you are looking for, click 'Back' to try the search again. Entering more details in the search will result in a smaller number of accounts from which to select.

Manage Account

The billing information for the selected account is displayed, which includes outstanding balance for the account if any, billing contact information, and list of all bills for the account.

The outstanding balance due amount is the total amount due from that account for all bills.

For company accounts, the billing contact section displays the contact information of the company's Billing Contact. If no Billing Contact has been assigned, the Primary Contact's information will be displayed. In case of user accounts, it displays the user's contact information.

The bills section displays a list of all bills for that account. The following billing information is displayed: bill name, bill status, bill issue date and time, and bill amount. Click the Manage link for the bill whose information you want to access.

The Manage Account page displays the following links:

Add a Bill

A link to add a new bill for the account.


A link to permanently delete the account.

View Activity History

A link to view the Account Activity History which contains all the actions specific to this account, including when they occurred, who made the change, and what happened.


This link is available for all the bills and is in the bills section.

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