Kavi® Billing Help

Chapter 18. Add a Bill


The Add a Bill tool is used to manually assign a new bill to an account. Usually, new bills are created by other applications interacting with Kavi® Billing. For example, the Kavi® Members application may use Kavi Billing to create a bill for membership. If you need to add a bill for some other reason, you can do so here. After selecting the account for which you want to add a bill, specify the bill name, due date, description and amount. Make sure the description is detailed and lists any sub-items included in the bill. Kavi Billing does not have a line-item or subtotal mechanism, as it is designed primarily to receive this information from other online tools. You can emulate line-items by formatting your description accordingly. Once a bill is added, the Billing Contact will be able to go online to print an invoice and pay the bill.

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How to Add a Bill

Search for an account

Search for an account or set of accounts in the billing database by setting any or all of the optional fields to refine the search criteria. To view all available account data, leave the search fields set to the defaults.


Account Name

Enter the name of the user or company whose billing account you want to access. To reduce the number of potential matches, restrict the search by setting the other search field. To increase the number of potential matches, expand the search by entering partial values for account name, or leave the other search field set to the default value.

Account Type

Set this value to search for accounts with a specific Account Type, which includes User, Company, Pending User or Pending Company, or leave it at the default setting All Account Types.

Select an Account

From the list of accounts, select an Account to access its billing information. Check the radio buttons to select/deselect the accounts. If there is only one account record, it will be preselected. If you do not see the account you are looking for, click 'Back' to try the search again. Entering more details in the search will result in a smaller number of accounts from which to select.


Due Date

A default due date will be set. Edit this if you want to change the due date. You can set a due date in the past. Template based email notices can be sent out based on this date.


The name of the Billing Contact is displayed. The Billing Contact is used as a recipient on most scheduled email notifications.

Bill Name

Enter a clear and descriptive name for the bill. This makes it easier to search for bills when you want to manage them or generate reports.


Enter a detailed description and list any sub-items included in the bill. Kavi Billing doesn't have a line-item or subtotal mechanism, as it is designed primarily to receive this information from other online tools. You can emulate line-items by formatting your description accordingly.


Enter the bill amount in USD.

A surcharge may later be added to the bill amount depending on the payment method selected to pay the bill.

Purchase Order Number

Enter a Purchase Order Number for this bill if one is available. This can be edited by the account holder when viewing the bill.


This is 'New' since you are adding a new bill.

Invoice Number

Enter the invoice number of the official invoice issued for this amount if it exists. This field helps coordinate online bills with a separate accounting invoicing system. This can be edited by the account holder when the bill is paid.

Issued Date

This is automatically set to today's date and cannot be edited.


The bill is displayed for your verification. You may enter an Activity Note for future reference if desired. Activity Notes are saved in this bill's activity log and can only be viewed by administrators.

Send Email

If you wish to enable any of the email scheduled for this action, click Send this Email. The selected email is displayed so you may add or edit the message, add or subtract from the listed recipients, etc.


Details of this bill are displayed, including a unique Bill ID that is generated for every bill. A link to pay this bill is now displayed when the member's account is viewed by the account holder, company administrator or a Billing Admin. You may print an invoice or complete the payment process for this bill.

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