KaviŽ Billing Help

Chapter 23. Cancel a Bill


Use the Cancel a Bill tool when you want to prevent any further action from taking place on a bill, but do not want to delete the bill. For example, you might use this tool if someone cancels a membership before it becomes active. A canceled bill cannot be paid, does not become overdue, etc. If the bill was paid, you may issue a refund as part of the cancellation process. Any bill can be canceled, and once a bill is canceled, it is permanent.

Cancelling a bill removes links used to manage this bill from User Tools, Company Tools and most Admin Tools. If this bill was paid, you'll see fields used to set the amount of the refund. By default, these are set to the full payment amount. When a partial refund is appropriate, be sure to edit the refund amount to reflect this. If the bill was paid by credit card, the card is automatically credited.

If you are a Billing Admin, click here to go to the Kavi Billing Manage a Bill tool. After selecting your bill, click the Cancel tool link to initiate this process.

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How to Cancel a Bill

Bill Search and Select

Set search criteria to find a bill, or set of bills. The search retrieves bills that meet all your criteria. If you don't see the bill you want, click the Back button and set more general criteria.


Bill ID

This is the unique Bill ID issued at the time of bill creation. This is the quickest way to retrieve a bill.


Select the name of the user or company whose billing account you want to access.

Bill Name

Enter the partial or full name of the bill you want to access. To reduce the number of potential matches, restrict the search by setting the other search fields. To increase the number of potential matches, expand the search by entering partial values for bill name, or leave the other search fields set to the default value.


Select the state of the bills you want to see (i.e. 'Paid', 'Unpaid' or 'Canceled').

Payment Method

Use the Payment Method option only when retrieving bills that are paid. If this option is set, your search won't retrieve any unpaid bills.


Bill details are displayed for you to review. If this bill was paid, you'll see fields used to set the amount of the refund. By default, these are set to the full payment amount. When a partial refund is appropriate, be sure to edit the refund amount to reflect this. If the bill was paid by credit card, the card is automatically credited.


The original amount, refunded amount and new balance are displayed for your verification. You may enter an Activity Note describing the reason for the cancellation and how the refund was calculated for future reference. Activity Notes are stored in this bill's Activity History where they can be viewed by administrators.

Send Email

If you wish to enable any of the email scheduled for this action, click Send this Email. The selected email is displayed so you may add or edit the message, add or subtract from the listed recipients, etc.


This bill has been cancelled, and any email you opted to send has gone out.

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