KaviŽ Billing Help

Chapter 19. Manage a Bill


The Manage a Bill page provides access to all information about a specific bill, and links to tools you can use to manage this bill. View bill details such as bill name, amount, due date and billing account; plus payment details such as payment method, outstanding balance, etc. A link to a print-ready invoice or receipt is also available.

Availability of tool links depends on the bill's status. For example, only paid bills can be refunded.

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How to Manage a Bill

The information for the selected bill is displayed in two sections, Bill Details and Payment Details.

Bill Search and Select

Set search criteria to find a bill, or set of bills. The search retrieves bills that meet all your criteria. If you don't see the bill you want, click the Back button and set more general criteria.


Bill ID

This is the unique Bill ID issued at the time of bill creation. This is the quickest way to retrieve a bill.


Select the name of the user or company whose billing account you want to access.

Bill Name

Enter the partial or full name of the bill you want to access. To reduce the number of potential matches, restrict the search by setting the other search fields. To increase the number of potential matches, expand the search by entering partial values for bill name, or leave the other search fields set to the default value.


Select the state of the bills you want to see (i.e. 'Paid', 'Unpaid' or 'Canceled').

Payment Method

Use the Payment Method option only when retrieving bills that are paid. If this option is set, your search won't retrieve any unpaid bills.

Bill Details

Bill details include the Bill ID, Bill Name, Bill Description, Total Amount, Issue Date, Due Date, Purchase Order Number and the Billing Account. If the payment method selected for this bill has a surcharge associated with it, the surcharge amount is also displayed.

Payment Details

Payment details can vary, depending on the status of the bill. If the bill has not been paid, links to the invoice and tools used to complete payment are displayed. If the bill has been paid, links to a receipt and refund tools are displayed.

Tool Links


A link to the Edit a Bill tool. Use this tool to edit the bill name or description, change the bill amount, extend the due date, edit the payment number or purchase order number.


A link to the Delete a Bill tool. Use this tool when you want to permanently delete a bill.

Send Email

A link to the Send Template-Based Email tool. Use this to send an email to the Billing Contact or administrators. You may add information or edit the default message or recipients list as desired.


A link to the Cancel a Bill tool. Use this tool if you want to cancel an unpaid bill or refund one that has already been paid.

Add Payment

A link to the Complete a Payment tool. Use this to charge a credit card, record receipt of a check, or handle another form of payment. After completing payment you may send a link to a print-ready receipt or print out a hardcopy.

Manage Transaction

A link to the Kavi Commerce Manage a Transaction tool. Use this to view or manage a credit card payment or other credit card transaction.


A link to the Refund a Bill tool. Use this when you need to refund part or all of a payment.

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