Kavi® Commerce Help

Chapter 4. Security Codes

What Is a Security Code?

A security code, or CVV2, is a 3- or 4-digit number printed on either the back or front of a credit or debit card.

For examples, see Finding the Security Code in the Cardholder document on Your Credit Card Security Code.

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How Does it Work?

The security code is printed flat on a credit card, rather than embossed, and it isn't stored in the magnetic stripe information. Unlike the credit card number and expiration information, the security code isn't captured when a credit card is run through an electronic credit card reader, nor when a carbon-copy imprint is made of the card. The security code is input directly to the credit card system and doesn't appear on sales receipts or billing statements.

The security code can only be read by looking at the card itself, so requiring a security code helps assure that the person initiating the charge is in physical possession of the credit card. This protects against fraudulent use of credit card numbers obtained by salvaging receipts or billing statements.

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Enabling the Security Code Feature

A Super Admin can enable the collection of security codes through the Configure Kavi Commerce tool. Once enabled, security codes are collected through a required field on bill payment forms, so a security code must be provided to pay a membership bill online with a credit card.

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Helping Cardholders with Security Code Issues

A cardholder may be unable to provide a security code for any of these reasons:

  • the cardholder isn't sure where to find the security code on their credit card

  • the security code is unreadable

  • the card was issued by a bank outside North America and doesn't have a security code

Instructions on finding the security code are provided in the Information for Credit Card Holders section on Your Credit Card Security Code. This document advises cardholders who cannot provide a security code to contact administrators to make other payment arrangements.

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