KaviŪ Commerce Help

Chapter 14. Configure Kavi Commerce


Super Admins use Configure Kavi Commerce to select which fields will be collected when processing a credit card, and to set the administrative email address that will be used by Kavi Commerce.

If you are a Super Admin, you may click here to access the Configure Kavi Commerce tool.

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How to Configure Kavi Commerce

Administrative Email Address

Kavi Commerce uses the administrative email address set in Kavi Members unless another address is specified here. Kavi Commerce uses this email address when it sends alerts to administrators.

Collect Email Address

Select this option if you want to require the cardholder to enter an email address. When the email field is displayed to an account holder, it is prefilled with this account holder's primary email address.

Collect Security Code

The security code on a credit card can add an extra measure of fraud protection, helping to ensure that the purchaser has the credit card physically in hand when conducting a credit card transaction through your website. Not all credit cards support the security code, and of those that do, not all demand a valid security code before charging the credit card.

If your organization uses this feature, you should be aware that Kavi Commerce must initiate a transaction with PayPal to perform the security code check. If the security code check fails, or isn't currently supported for this type of card, the transaction is recorded as a 'Failed Charge' in Kavi Commerce. Unfortunately, PayPal may record this as an authorization regardless of whether the security code check failed or not. Kavi Commerce immediately voids 'Failed Charge' transactions so the credit card is not charged, but the authorization does appear in the credit card account statement. This can be confusing to the credit card holder, who may not immediately realize that this authorization doesn't represent an actual charge against their credit card account.

To learn more about security codes, see the document on Credit Card Security Codes.

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