Kavi Edit Help

Chapter 1. Core Concepts


Kavi Edit was created to provide clients with an easy and convenient way to manage the content of their sites. With this application, users can edit contents of a page using a WYSIWYG editor, or by altering the source code that generates the page. In addition, images and documents can be uploaded or removed and new pages can be created. Kavi Edit automatically handles the creation of navigation nodes for new pages or allows you to create them independently.

This application is not intended to replace your website development tool, but to provide a simple way to manage site content and perform spot edits.

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Accessing Kavi Edit

Kavi Edit allows you to quickly access and edit your website content. Pages that contain application code or are connected to a database are not usually editable through Kavi Edit, but most website pages are editable. All you have to do to access Kavi Edit is appending the URI for the page you want to edit with '/kedit', as illustrated in the following example.

If you wanted to edit this page:


You would simply place your cursor at the end of the URL that appears at the top of your browser and type /kedit, so the URL would look like this:


Click 'Go' or press the 'Enter' button on your keyboard and you will be prompted to enter your username and password. After successfully entering your username and password, the page you chose to edit is displayed. Notice that the page has been subtly modified, and that the Kavi Edit Menu Bar or the Edit button is displayed near the top of the page:

Figure 1.1. Kavi Edit Menu Bar

Kavi Edit Menu Bar

Figure 1.2. Edit button

Edit button

If you do not see either the Menu Bar or the Edit Content button, refresh the view in your browser.

Once you have accessed Kavi Edit, you will continue viewing the site using Kavi Edit until you close your Web browser.

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View Mode and Edit Mode

Once you have accessed Kavi Edit, you will view the website through one of two modes.

View Mode

While you are in the View Mode, the web page looks exactly the same as it would if you were not using Kavi Edit, except that a small Edit Content button is displayed at the upper right hand of the page.

If your page has multiple content areas, the View Mode displays all the content areas simultaneously, with Edit Content buttons displayed for each area.

Figure 1.3. View Mode with Edit Content button circled

View Mode with Edit Content button circled

Use the View Mode to preview how your edited page will look when viewed by other site users.

Clicking on the Edit button starts Edit Mode.

Edit Mode

You will spend the majority of your time using Kavi Edit in Edit Mode. The Edit Mode provides all of the tools you need to edit your Web site. When you are in the Edit Mode, you will see the Kavi Edit Menu Bar.

Figure 1.4. Edit Mode with View button circled

Edit Mode with View button circled

To return to the View Mode, click on the View button.

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All work performed in Kavi Edit occurs within a "session". A session is initiated when you begin editing a page (or nested set of pages) and persists until you accept or discard your changes through the Finish Session Tab.

The software applies a session lock to the pages you are editing and keeps your edits separate from the current pages so that anyone else who views the site will see the old pages, rather than your work in progress. This allows you to work on content without having web site users see your revised pages before you are ready to display them to the world. The session also locks the old pages which prevents anyone else from working on them so you and other editors do not work at cross-purposes.

Session Locking

Sessions do not end when you close your browser because of the session locking feature. When you begin editing a page, the page you are editing and any child pages will be "Locked in Version." While this session lock is on, others will not be able to view your edits or edit the pages. The lock will remain in force until you end your session by accepting or discarding your edits.

The session locking feature has many benefits, but it can cause problems for others who need to access the locked pages when you are out of the office or otherwise unavailable to release the lock. You may want to make a habit of ending your session at the end of every workday to save your changes and release the lock.

Continuing a Session

When you first enter Kavi Edit and you have a session containing edits already started, you will be presented with a screen very similar to the following figure. All of the pages that have been edited during the session will be listed as well as the date and time that they were edited.

Figure 1.5. Entering a session that already contains edits

Entering a session that already contains edits

At this point, you can choose to continue editing in the current session, accept the edits that were made in this prior session, and start a new session, or discard the edit and start a new session. If you are unsure which you want to do, click the Continue Editing button. You can always accept or discard the edits later, after you have had a chance to review the changes.

Finish Session

When you are done editing, you will need to finish your session for your changes to be made permanent. To finish your session, click on the Finish Session tab.

Figure 1.6. Finish Session tab circled

Finish Session tab circled

The Finish Session tab will list all of the edits that you have made during the current session and when the edits were made. You have the option of continuing your session, discarding edits, or accepting edits. You can elect to accept or discard only certain edits, leaving the remainder hidden in your session until a later time.

If you click on the Accept Edits button, the changes that you have accepted will be visible by anyone who visits your web site. If you choose the Discard Edits button, you will be asked to confirm your decision. If you confirm your decision, all of the edits that you have performed so far in the session are deleted. The Continue Editing button allows you to continue your work.

If you do accept only certain edits, remember to check for dependencies to be sure all necessary pages and files are included. Since you are viewing the complete version in the session, you won't necessarily see that the version released to the outside world when you accepted the partial edits is missing a required file. If a page containing a link to a file is accepted and the link's target file isn't, the link would be broken. The target file needs to be accepted as well to fix the publicly displayed version of the page.

For instance, if an editor added an image 'chicken.jpg' during a session, then edited a page 'road_crossing' by adding a link to the image '<img src="chicken.jpg">', the page would look fine to the editor while working in the session. If the editor then accepted the page, but not the image 'chicken.jpg', the page would still look fine to the editor, but the page displayed to the outside world would have a broken link. To fix the problem, the editor would have to accept the image file as well.

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Kavi Edit interface

When you are in the Edit Mode, Kavi Edit will provide you with a consistent interface with which you will quickly become familiar. The interface is comprised of three parts: the Tab Bar, the Editing Section, and the Action button Bar.

Tab Bar

The Tab Bar provides access to the major sections of Kavi Edit. It also provides you with indicators of what page you are editing, what user you are logged in as, and the number of items you have edited in the current session.

Figure 1.7. Tab Bar with the Edit Content tab selected

Tab Bar with the Edit Content tab selected

The Tab Bar also indicates which tab is active by displaying that tab in a different color and the tab label in bold. In Figure 1.7, the Edit Content tab is active.

Finally, the Tab Bar provides the Session tab that you can use to finish your session and the button you can click to toggle between the Edit Mode and View Mode.

Editing Section

Immediately below the Tab Bar is the Editing Section. This area changes depending on what tab is selected.

Figure 1.8. Editing Section when Edit Content tab is active

Editing Section when Edit Content tab is active

Action Button Bar

Located at the bottom of the Kavi Edit Interface is the Action Button Bar. The buttons in this bar change depending on which tab is active.

Figure 1.9. Action Button Bar when Edit Content tab is active

Action Button Bar when Edit Content tab is active

It is usually necessary to complete your current action on the Action Button Bar before selecting another tab on the Tab Bar if you want to save any changes you have made. For example, if you make changes to a page using the Edit Content tab and fail to click on the Save Changes button before selecting a different tab, your changes won't be saved.

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